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Quality of Life: Fines

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Quality of Life


Description: 100% of the money from fines for the cp is split among all other cp members, the cp that made the fine should get 50% of the money from the fine and the other 50% is given to the rest of the cp because of the increase in player cap, there are usually more cps than there was before. So you get very little money from fines and other cp revenues. Plus it would incentives the cp to fine people instead of just arresting them, which would give the player being arrested an easier chance to counter, than if they were just arrested with the arrest baton and auto want baton  .

How to reproduce: Fine a player and all of the money from it is split among all cp members.


Priority:  Medium



cp: Civil Protection(all cop classes)

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This is not a bug why did you post it here?


The Quality of life tag is for bugs that make game play less fun that are bugs for example boom boxes not working.


But the example of it isnt a bug, well it seems more like its a sugestion if it is. 

"Quality of Life


Description: The PD spits out 2 shipments, it should be more


How to reproduce: Raid the PD, it only spits out 2


Priority: Low"

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