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Question and suggestions about bounties


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So I would just like some clarification on how bounties work. As I understand it there are two types of bounties: one that a bounty hunter can pickpocket from cops and then pursue a target, and also a bounty list for the police themselves as visible on the board in PD. So what do the bounty targets and amounts mean for the police? Are they just a way of gauging the threat of the criminal, or is there a way for the police to collect the bounty amount by bringing the target in?


Also, this is just a small suggestion, but it would be helpful if it displayed the actual bounty amount when bounty hunters get their targets. Last week the actual payout was like 1/4 of the shown amount, and now it's like 1/10. I have no problem with the amounts themselves if that's what the staff deems appropriate, but it would just be nice if the player is told the proper amount off the bat.

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Bounties work kind of like Warrants. CPs have reasonable cause to detain someone with an Active Bounty and can fine them 10% of their Bounty. For example, if someone has a Bounty for 100,000, the CPD can fine them 10% of their Bounty, which would be 10,000. If they cooperate, the 10,000 is split between all On-Duty CPs and the CP can undetain them and clear their Bounty by setting it to 0. That's probably why they changed your payment to 1/10, which is actually more than CPs get paid because you're getting all of that money for yourself. And, to my knowledge, you get a Bounty from a CP because CPs create bounties, as well as some auto-logging for major incidents to keep it consistent.

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Bounties work kind of like Warrants. CPs have reasonable cause to detain someone with an Active Bounty and can fine them 10% of their Bounty. For example, if someone has a Bounty for 100,000, the CPD can fine them 10% of their Bounty, which would be 10,000. If they cooperate, the 10,000 is split between all On-Duty CPs and the CP can undetain them and clear their Bounty by setting it to 0. That's probably why they changed your payment to 1/10, which is actually more than CPs get paid because you're getting all of that money for yourself. And, to my knowledge, you get a Bounty from a CP because CPs create bounties, as well as some auto-logging for major incidents to keep it consistent.


Love this but you can fine 100% of the bounty.

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Bounties work kind of like Warrants. CPs have reasonable cause to detain someone with an Active Bounty and can fine them 10% of their Bounty. For example, if someone has a Bounty for 100,000, the CPD can fine them 10% of their Bounty, which would be 10,000. If they cooperate, the 10,000 is split between all On-Duty CPs and the CP can undetain them and clear their Bounty by setting it to 0. That's probably why they changed your payment to 1/10, which is actually more than CPs get paid because you're getting all of that money for yourself. And, to my knowledge, you get a Bounty from a CP because CPs create bounties, as well as some auto-logging for major incidents to keep it consistent.


That makes sense. So the bounty list in PD is sort of like a most wanted list. The bounty hunter gets a cut of the bounty for bringing the criminal down for the cops, which is the same amount the cops would get if they handcuffed the criminal and the criminal agreed to pay the fine.


Also, like I said I don't have a problem with the actual amount of the bounty rewards, it was just kind of a buzzkill getting a 40k bounty and getting paid 4k for completing. Maybe they could add in text saying something like "you will be paid a percentage of the criminal's bounty." It would just make things more clear.


Anyways, thanks for the explanation

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