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King Kong Explanation


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King Kong kept dragging the situation on and on, calling Michael a bad admin and saying he can't do his job, even when he was the only staff on handling all the sits by himself. He said he was going to upload his own post to report Michael, which has yet to be seen. This video is 10/10.

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All the video is, is your making fun of a little kid. It doesn't show anything about what he was saying. 


You are going to realize soon that this happens everyday!

More then half the people on the server are under 15 and are just kids.

The only thing you can do in these situations is have a recording unedited of what happened. Help them as best you can in game. If they are harassing you just tell them to stop if they don't then mute/gag them. If they use anon or spam admin chat to avoid the mute/gag then kick them. If they come back and keep doing it remind them you asked them to stop and if they continue it will be a short ban. If someone claims they are going to report you just keep your uncut video of what happened and if they do post it on their report or ban appeal.

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All the video is, is your making fun of a little kid. It doesn't show anything about what he was saying. 


You are going to realize soon that this happens everyday!

More then half the people on the server are under 15 and are just kids.

The only thing you can do in these situations is have a recording unedited of what happened. Help them as best you can in game. If they are harassing you just tell them to stop if they don't then mute/gag them. If they use anon or spam admin chat to avoid the mute/gag then kick them. If they come back and keep doing it remind them you asked them to stop and if they continue it will be a short ban. If someone claims they are going to report you just keep your uncut video of what happened and if they do post it on their report or ban appeal.


The kid wasn't 15. He was atleast over the age of 25.  I felt the need to make tis ;D And also, I did put his points and views in the video. It's not like I didn't let it go unhanded.

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I don't understand this

so i'm gonna go in the corner and be isolated


Pretty much this kid wanted to report me for not staffing correctly when in all actually this player was instigating another player to get him to break rules, mhm?>

I made this meme just for memes.

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