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[Major Bug]: Server side Purple Cloud of Doom


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 I was walking with a Purple teletubbie and we were doing our thing, but we saw the whole sky turn purple... Now when it first happened no one really stating anything, but then all the admins and some of the players started to chat about this.  Sooo... At first, people were building in skybox, but that wasn't the case... A player was showing the staff about this advance dupe that he got, that when it moves -> Causes a purple smoke screen everywhere...  Kinda like the smoke grenade, but in a VERY large radius and when you stop moving the prop, it slowly goes back to normal.  This Purple cloud of doom causes major frames to go down...


How to reproduce: 


Get an advance dup of this particular prop and move it.


















I feel like a shitty youtuber


Credits towards: Gnome... Showing the bug to me

                         Moist Chicken... Recording the video

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Gnome said that he got it off of the normal dupe section and while playing on another server that allowed both advanced dupe 2 and regular dupes he saved it into his advanced dupe 2 folder.


I do not think this is a major issue since it is a very very very rare thing to happen.

Best action to take right now would be to make sure no one uses it.

At this moment I believe only gnome and cullen have it.

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