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Story Time with TitsRP


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This thread is all about the creative writers on the server.  The objective of this thread is to write a story that is true or false about yourself or a fake person/Made-Up person.  This can go anywhere, so this is going to be a shitpost thread.  There is only a couple of rule:

  1. Don't reply on other people's story, Only comment if you have a story to write.  These comments will be deleted by either me or other staff.
  2. Don't Target a player from the server, UNLESS you get permission from that player
  3. NO SHORT STORIES.... Example: This guy name Cullen gave a snickers bar to a Homeless man.  The end...

Example story:


Topic: Good Guy Cullen



It was a Friday night and a guy named, Cullen, heard about a party that his friend was throwing.  Since he was only doing sitting in his base and farming printers on the DarkRP server called, "TitsRP",  he was willing for some spice in his satisfaction.  He decided to walk all the way to this party in the middle of the night.  As he gets to the party, he sees a ton of people at the door, so he decided to jump into the backyard and go inside from the back door. As he hears the music playing and seeing the girls getting down on the dance floor, he decided to pull out my Gorilla Glue  strain Blunt and get fucking Blazed the whole party.   He was so fucking high that he started to feel like he was on LCD, so he decided not to drink throughout the party until he felt he was in the condition.  Two hammered and beautiful women walk up to this kid that looks like he's about to past the fuck out. At this point, he calmed down a little from being too high and was able to communicate with the two girls.  These two girls were obvious trying to get into Cullen's pants; however, Cullen didn't have a sip of Alcohol.  When Cullen is high and not drunk, he just in the chillest mood and doesn't feel like doing much work.  As the girls start to get intimate, he starts to walk away because he doesn't want to deal with this shit, but these girls were determined.   As the party continues, Cullen tried really hard to ignore these girls throughout the night; however, once it got towards the end of the party.  The two girls asked Cullen to come upstairs into his friend's room.  Good guy Cullen, decides to call a cab for these two girls and payed the cab driver $50 to get them home.  After the cab car gets gobbled into the darkness of the night, Cullen decides to walk back to his house.  As he walks back to his house, he sees a homeless man past out on the sidewalk.  Good guy Cullen decides to give a beer from the party and a 20 dollar bill to the homeless man without waking the man up.  As he slowly approaches his house, three men with hoods walk up to him and pull out a switchblade.  They demand the boy, "Give me all your money."  Now after spending the money on the cab and giving the money to the homeless man, He was dead broke, but Cullen still had left over beer from the party.  Good guy Cullen, told the 3 guys the truth and too compensate with the money, he decided to give the men  the beer he had left over.  The 3 men changed there mine about this kid, so they decided to all have a beer on the sidewalk telling stories about each other.  One man pulls out a joint and then we all decided to smoke that shit.  After that joint, I decided to leave this small group and head back home.  As he gets to his house and walks inside, he decides to go back onto TitsRP and farm more money because he was determined to get more shit for his custom class.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Topic: Shit idea


On a Saturday afternoon, A staff member named Callen got a boner from some shitty idea to do on the forums. He decided to do a thing called "Story Time with TitsRP". Little did little Callen know, no one gave a single shit about his idea. A month go by and little Callen realized that it was indeed a shit idea and cried himself to sleep with his My Little Pony Rainbow Dash buttplug.



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