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Inventory/event Bug

CuddlyKraken @Twitch

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Basically I won an event and I got the 10 shipments of 20 prize. I went to a house locked all the doors and claimed the shipments using !claimshipments.

Right after picking them all up in my inventory the server crashed. I figured it was fine since I had inventoried it all, but when I got back on the server it was all gone. 

It is my thinking this might be a bug if you ever inventory a few seconds before the server crashes but I am unable to test it.


How to reproduce:

Win an event and get the 10 shipments of 20 prize

Use !claimshipments

Inventory them all

Server crashes

Join back into the server

All shipments gone from inventory


Priority: Low


Also if possible to see what was in my inventory before the server crashed and refund me when was missing after it crashed? The crash happened on Thursday January 29th, 2017 around 5pm EST

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Also another player was filling up chemical barrels and placed them in his inv, the server crashed and he says that they are all gone(The player had proof that he had them in his inv so i know he wasnt lying)

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The way inventories work is that they don't write immediately to the database when something is edited. What it will do instead is cache the result in a table somewhere and then every 2 - 5 minutes it will run through every single players 80 inventory slots and save it to the database since running a query every time something is edited..is actually probably better and I don't know why it works that way since not every player is making 80 changes to their inventory every 2 - 5 minutes. It's probably something to look into


Fetcholdinv is only for players who were here when we ran the inventory system on a shared db, now we run it seperately to improve performance


I can refund you, not an issue

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Also another player was filling up chemical barrels and placed them in his inv, the server crashed and he says that they are all gone(The player had proof that he had them in his inv so i know he wasnt lying)


EDIT: So this shows its not only before an event if u fill your inv with something before server crash it disappears when you join back

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