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What people dont understand about killing kidnappers


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From what ive read in the rules, and what other mods/admins have told me, heres what you do if you see someone kidnapping:

1. You give them a warning to stop or put their victim down

2. If they dont, you advert counter and take action


Now, I always get people telling me im RDM'ing when I kill them, and that I never said anything and that they couldnt hear me


Now, correct me if im wrong, but...


If I see your name on "Players that can hear me" , that means you can hear me and your gonna fuckin die if I say something.


We cool?

Alright, we cool....


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Sugar might have changed this back so correct me if I am wrong.


Basically when the big update came out Sugar removed the need to advert counter.

Since it is just a reason to kill people and not RP.

To be able to "counter" now you must be fully involved in the situation, meaning that if someone is kidnapping your friend you have to go up to the kidnapped tell them to leave your friend alone or you are going to kill them, using mic or text. 

If they do not stop doing what they ask you to do in a reasonable amount of time then you can "counter" their actions and kill them, but you do not need to advert a counter since you are involved in the situation.


Someone correct me on this last one,

Being in a party does not allow you to kill someone kidnapping your friend without getting involved. You still have to get involved by telling them to stop.

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I'm also a little sick of people "countering" shit that's already over.


Yesterday I killed somebody for trying to kidnap me. A whole minute minute later, someone runs around the corner and guns me down. They said it was because I killed their party member, I was confused because I hadn't killed anyone in a while and he wouldn't have been able to see it anyway. He kept spamming admin chat that I was abusing and shit for bringing him to a sit, I was a little stressed out at that point and didn't want to deal with it so I told him to not abuse the admin call system and let him go.


Same with cuffing. If I've handcuffed someone, fined them, and have been walking away for several seconds their buddies like to run up and yell "STOP ARRESTING MY FRIEND" and gun me down instantly. Many times a day.


I thought being in a party made you involved in the situation. But right now the only way to see parties is to do the command and look at the join parties list. I know sugar was saying something about party name displaying with your name tag, but as of right now we can't tell who is with who and who can "automatically" counter. Right now I think consensus is that party = auto counter/involvement but if someone could prove me wrong that'd be cool.




If the person who you're about to "counter" has absolutely no clue who you are, why you're about to kill them, how you're involved with the situation, ect, then you have no right to kill them. 


- Sugar Tits, Suggestions for the Server thread

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