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Custom Class Player Model Issues..

wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av

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I am so tired of getting complaints due to CC player models. It's always the same thing, someone buys a CC, uses a playermodel from a class that cannot raid; and raids. 


Todays example:


T-mod space jesus is in a CC as "Jesus" which has the same player model as preacher. The CC color is blue similar to CP.

Since it is just SpaceJesus and I on, people have been messaging me about "Preachers raiding base HALP!"

They had attempted to raid me and that's when i noticed they weren't preachers.


Their CC allows them to raid apparently but the CC's Playermodel just raises too much heck...

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Before the update of Admin calls, there were rules that you had to follow when it comes to calling sits. 


#Bring that back 2016


It's an easy case plus it gets your sit count up since you know it's a CC.

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Before the update of Admin calls, there were rules that you had to follow when it comes to calling sits. 


#Bring that back 2016


It's an easy case plus it gets your sit count up since you know it's a CC.


There are still rules on calling sits. The system that is in place now has over 25 pre-defined answers to the most generic questions. If someone calls an admin for "rddddddddddddddddddddmnmmmmmmmmmmmmm orkfreijfroj" then that request should be ignored. It's just that no one ignores admin calls anymore, even if a request says "I would like u 2 suck me dick rn" I can bet you that some staff member would take it


On topic, I can and will make a whitelist of all models that can be used for cc's using the editor. Right now it's on a blacklist but a whitelist would work better

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