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Getting an upgrade


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Gonna get so much shit for getting a laptop instead of upgrading to a desktop but I like the portability and this one is like 10x better than my old one that I've had for a few years and it's served its purpose but my new laptop is gonna be the new razer blade laptop. It has all the specs I'm looking for and all the features and that's all I need (posting this from my phone so if the post fucks up that's why)

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You could get a kick ass desktop with two thousand dollars. But you want to get this.


-1 bad


I like the portability of a laptop and this supports all my needs plus more. Plz luv

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Did u already buy it? If not I would honestly cancel the order. My laptop was top notch a few years ago, it lasted 3 years before it was REALLY outdated. Yea you will like it at first, but im TELLING you that you won't be satisfied in a few years with it. Also razer = paying a lot for the brand. Unless your going to be in a different place every few days, its not worth it. You can upgrade a desktop, so it will never be outdated, and if you already have a monitor/keyboard/mouse you already saved money on the desktop. Don't do it.

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You're paying $2000 for a i7 you can't overclock and a 970M. 




If you really need the portability, I would just change laptops. Like Steven said, its all in the name. Even this Alienware is better and more affordable (which is weird because Alienwares eat so much ass and its all in the name too)




Desktops will run you cheaper + you will get 2x as much value out of it but again, its up to you.

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I will eventually get a really good desktop but this thing is going to serve me just fine and I'm not getting it just for the name of it being Razer my friend has the other version I think it's the Razer Blade Pro but thank you for the tips and suggestions. :)

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It's not that your getting it for the name, its just your PAYING for the name. Check out Asus, since your set on laptops, they make some good shit that will be cheaper then Razer's overpriced laptop. Hey man if you got the money to dish out go for it, but like we said, a laptop won't last forever.

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ASUS is a great brand. With that kind of money, you could buy a godly desktop and put another graphics card in. Desktops have so many upgrade options when a laptop could screw you with integrated stuff. The monitor for desktops can be IMMENSE compared to some laptops and can improve the HUD on some games. If you want to support Razer, buy a headset from them or a keyboard or mouse. And desktops don't turn jeans into an oven for your thighs.

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ALSO: Razer laptops are very thin, which, at first, is good right? But if you're playing games for 3+ hours, it's gonna overheat, it's a known issue, powerful components in a thin frame, it can't move air fast enough to keep it cool. Buy a laptop if you want, but, make sure it stays cool.

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