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[Change]: New CP stuff


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Quality of Life


Description: The PD handcuffs should be lowered between 1 to 1.5 seconds


How to reproduce: I've been doing a lot of testing with the new handcuff nerf.  Basically, when I first started out I would non-lethal the person because it's literally Impossible if you in charging.  When the person that got non-lethal moved, the bar for the handcuffs would disappear and you would have to restart.  Then I went into testing with Neko... 


So.. Basically, if the CP officer is standing still, while player x (Neko) is moving away, the bar still continues and adds like a range effect. Neko, also was able to go a certain distance, which allowed him to reset the bar of the handcuffs.


Priority: Low


I might make a video on this because it is really complicated.



[suggestion]: Even though this isn't the suggestion thread...


I believe that there should be a perk from the cp gang or something to reduce this timer between 0.5 to 0.

Maybe a VIP job that gets better handcuffs than the other CP jobs.


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