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Another question about the rules.

Canadian Array

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So I had a base that Geanie deemed unraidable and wouldnt let me have without warning me for fading door abuse.

Here's a rough idea of what the base looked like.



Button A opens Door A & Keypad B opens Door B.


So the actual door that me and my friends used to get in was door B that was controlled by keypad  B outside, but we made it look like door A was the correct door to enter the base. So while people were lock picking door A, I would hit button A and kill them which also stop them from lock picking as the door opened.

Granted, This was my window I used for killing people outside, it wasnt my actual entrace.

The base was still raidable, I was actually raided a few times inspite of this, but one user reported it as fading door abuse and geanie deemed it unraidable, I got warnred for which seems like a stupid reason as it was my kill window, anyone could have figured it out by watching me go in and out of the base. 

And the people who keypad cracked it got in no problem.

Geanie said that was base was "unraidable" and told me to remove it after he gave me a system warning he told me unraidable bases were illegal. He said it wasnt in the motd it was just common "sense"

Which to me sounds like him just making up rules on the spot. tons of people have much harder to raid bases.

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This base doesn't seem to be all that wrong to me. Sure, it's tough. but not unraidable by any means. And it's not fade door abuse as long as you use a button.

Actually, it would be considered FDA if it stops the user from lockpicking, no matter what the circumstance is. I mean he shouldn't of warned you if you didn't know, just give you a verbal. It should not ever stop someone from lockpicking though, as it is FDA.

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