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Dont have old tools, lose of money, inv, warn not gone.


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Description:In game name: Dustyroo . I left the server for a while ( 2months +) and I was gave access to adv dupe 2 and now I dont have it. Also, I lost all my 40mill that I pocketed in my inventory and all upgraded guns are gone, custom guns, filled barrels and blood from my inventory.


How to reproduce: Leave the server for 2 months+




Some of my many builds that I thought you would remeber these one the most. http://imgur.com/a/buXNq

Quality of Life


Description: I have a warn from an old admin fetus and he asked you to remove it because he made a mistake and still 2 months later my warn is still there and not removed.


How to reproduce: Time.


Priority: Low

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Your name sounds familiar. You were during the era of Epsilon and Fetus which are now both permabanned for exploiting a bug that they never reported to me (which gave them infinite cash) which in turn, they gave out anywhere from 200 - 300 VIP's for free.


I am pretty sure you were one of the people who I deleted stuff from since you only have 25 hours logged on the server which it was 200% impossible to even obtain that amount of cash unless you were given it.


So I will say with undoubted certainty that I deleted your CC's made with the CC Maker and your inventory because of your exploited cash. I know you didn't cause the issue but the money given to you had to be removed. I can't say for certain what is wrong with the other part of your inventory but no data should of been lost.

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