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What I think needs to happen

Black Jesus

Do you think this is a good idea?  

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Now, I dont think in my mind I can word this very well, but I will try my best. I think that there should be a mentoring system in place, sort of like a training method. Instead of when people get promoted to tmod where they get talked to for a little and told the basics, I believe that maybe there should be a pro-longed training method. I believe that in order for staff to get promoted, certain things must be met should it be number of hours played and or number of sits. Along with the criteria, I think there should be vote among the high ranked staff in who promote. I see where there could be some bias, but I dont think it would be too much of an issue if the higher up believes the player should be promoted from their current staff position. Basically a pros and cons/discussion. If the majority of the higher staff believe someone should be promoted, then they get promoted. These events would be held in private whenever Sugar wants to. Also, my take on the buying T-mod thing is that the players should have atleast 5 hours played so they cant be brand new to the server. New staff should be put through a test in-game to prove what the can do in sits and what not. Basically prove what they say they would do in the questions in the application in a way. For people who buy tmod, they would just have a much higher criteria and have to have much more play time and respect from others to get promoted. Adding on to promotion vote thing, it would all be up to sugar if the player gets promoted from what rank they are from tmod to such and such. No matter how much support the player gets from other staff, sugar has the last word since it is HIS server so he should be the one who decides who joins the staff team and who doesn't. Also, I think in order to keep the staff team from getting to big, there should be certain times where sugar can open up applications to recruit normal players, unless staff push for someone hard.





I am very tired while writing this so I probably left some stuff out I want to include and there is probably a few mistakes, but thank you for taking the time to read this post on my opinion on what I think should happen with the admeme situation. Although none of this will likely get used, I still feel my autistic words should be read. Thanks ~Black Jesus

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Usually this does happen but if you pay for tmod we assume that you know what to do and if you dont ask for help its mainly your fault us mods and higher are here to help each other and if you fail to ask questions or for help you are hurting yourself. However, I do think its a good idea to possibly interview/mentor the paid tmods for the future since the past few have had no idea as to how to be staff and some dont know how to control their outbursts and also maintain a serious posture in a sit. With all of this in mind we can look back at past "Paid-mins" and say that most of them were kinda bad well not kinda bad. REALLY BAD. But some are good. I for one paid for tmod and I showed my worth to the community and its staff members. If you guys could check how many staff said yes for me to become mod well almost the whole staff team said yes but thats besides the point. The fact of the matter is that we should keep a closer eye on our newly promoted players so then we can determine if they truly are mod potential or even admin potential. So I would say this is a good idea since I dont really see this being practiced at the moment and it would be a interesting experience for both the newly promoted and the mod/admin.

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If you split up your post and use bold, underline, italicize, colors, or font changes, it will make the post less boring to write. It also won't make nearly as many people load it, say 'ew thats too many words' and hit backspace.


Mentoring system is a good idea, but good ideas aren't enough. I spent a lot of time throwing rule ideas at server owners, and once I realized how annoying I was, I copy/pasted in google docs and re wrote them. My point is, maybe help the owner out a bit by going into details about how to create it.


More than that and most of all, keep in mind that no one is paid to do any of this. Elaborate schemes, no matter how helpful they would be, sometimes just won't happen. Again, good idea though.

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My theory is that if you need mentoring, then you aren't really made out for the position. If you ask for help here and there, that is different, but don't ask for someone to do the work for you. Asking someone if they can shadow some sits to see how it's done is fine too but don't take the time out of someone's day to legit sit down with you and come up with scenarios or some other way of doing it, to enhance your mod skills because the only way to do that is to physically do them.


Buying T-Mod is not there for randoms to buy it, it's there if you sincerely made 90 mod apps and you can't get accepted and there is no other way of getting your feet wet of being a mod. You're expected to know the rules and how the server works before you buy it or else you're demoted (like the Michael guy today). I can enforce a 5 hour playtime limit for buying it, I think that's fine but it doesn't solve any issues.


Being a mod isn't hard and I don't think that a lot of people who are mods think that it is hard. It's just they don't care and don't actually take responsibility for being a mod. They take RP over taking sits or they just don't want to take them and they expect someone else to take them. But it's not as easy as saying "do more sits or your demoted", it doesn't work like that. Even if you were to demote your volunteers from just not helping enough then you would have no mods / staff in general. Yes, I understand if they legit do next to nothing but 90% of the mods do put in some form of effort.


It only takes a solid 2 - 3 dedicated people to keep a server under control of 60 people but people don't become mod to just take sits, if that was the case then no one would sign up. They sign up because they think the server is enjoyable and they want to play on the server along with some powers to kick people out of the game who are breaking the rules.


The mentality of a trial-mod / mod for taking a sit looks like this, if the answer to any question devoids the sit then break the chain

  • Am I RPing and should I stop RPing?
  • Am I talking to someone?
  • Did this involve me? 
  • Can I actually provide assistance?
  • Do I actually want to take this sit?
  • Should I take this sit?
  • When was the last time I took a sit / did I take a sit recently
  • I just took the last sit, should I actually take a second sit within 1 minute?
  • Take sit

When it should look like this:

  • Can I stop doing what i'm doing?
  • Can I help them with their issue?
  • Take sit


There is never a solution. You just have to deal with it, no staff team will ever be perfect no matter how hard you try.


PS, there is a Tmod voting section that all staff can partake on in the admin / mod section, it is how people are usually promoted.

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