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[Server Annoucement] Slapper Abuse


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I really didn't want to make this thread about my swep, but it has came to my attention that there are certain individuals that are taking my swep to the next level.  This next level is causing people to get upset and really annoyed.




Sugar already gave my swep a damage value, so there is no need for any changes in the swep; however, people that abuse the swep....


which includes

  • Owner of a Custom Class
  • Friends on the Custom Class

will result in the removal of the slapper off the custom class.  Also, no refunds will be distributed because this is a serious matter and honestly I don't like when most of the server is unhappy just because of a swep.


[How to Prevent]:


  • Trust the people that you have access towards a custom class
  • Don't use in RP situations
  • Don't walk up to a group that is having a conversation
  • Don't use on new players

I never wanted this to happen, but it has came to my attention recently...

If anyone does see a person abusing the swep, make sure to send me a message of the person and possibly some evidence.  Even if you just send a message, I will end up talking to him/her.

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Also, if someone is on a class they do not own, warn the owner to maybe talk to them before both of them get fucked over

And if you're seeing this, and on my class, you will be removed the second i see you abusing it

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  • 2 weeks later...


the problem is people like to use it on random people because it's funny, it is a problem because this is attempt rdm.

and the solution is distributing warnings w/ the reason "attempt rdm", if this doesn't work then we will apply the final solution, genocide, we will murder all the crab people who like to fucking slap me when I'm dealing with peoples problems.

-totally biased-

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the problem is people like to use it on random people because it's funny, it is a problem because this is attempt rdm.

and the solution is distributing warnings w/ the reason "attempt rdm", if this doesn't work then we will apply the final solution, genocide, we will murder all the crab people who like to fucking slap me when I'm dealing with peoples problems.

-totally biased-



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