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Inventory Bug


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Description: Ok so today I put 12 mil and other shipments in my inventory, later when I came back on the server nothing was in my inventory and I lost my 12 mil



How to reproduce: Shipments and money in inventory automatically save when you leave and return


Priority: Medium

Description: Ok so today I put 12 mil and other shipments in my inventory, later when I came back on the server nothing was in my inventory and I lost my 12 mil



How to reproduce: Shipments and money in inventory automatically save when you leave and return


Priority: Medium


OK, now my shipments are back but for a while they were gone for about 30 minutes or so, the shipments and money showed up after I wrote this report so  but still the bug should be fixed and I think the priority is now Low

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What does this mean and why do you care? Our current package only allows 25 users to access the DB at the same time. If it goes over, it closes and does it again. So for example, if there are 30 users browsing the forums, 50 people ingame, you're already up to 80 simultaneous connections. That's not really how it works but it's kinda how it works in simple terms. Ever wonder why you don't have your inventory items? Yea, that's why.


From Sugar

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What does this mean and why do you care? Our current package only allows 25 users to access the DB at the same time. If it goes over, it closes and does it again. So for example, if there are 30 users browsing the forums, 50 people ingame, you're already up to 80 simultaneous connections. That's not really how it works but it's kinda how it works in simple terms. Ever wonder why you don't have your inventory items? Yea, that's why.


From Sugar


I thought this was the case but it's not. The inventory addon is not mine and when I did contact the addon creator they basically told me that the player object is messed up. It's hard to actually fix because it's not that simple. The issue does not occur 100% of the time and it's very random so even if I attempt a few things, there is no guarantee but I will definitely give it a go at some point. Yet in my 3 - 4 months of this happening I have never had it happen to me.


The issue started happening when I tried the new experimental dataprovider because the author wanted feedback. When I told him it most likely broke my tables, he blamed me for using it because it was unstable which is kinda justified in a sense.


You should never actually lose your items, relogging / waiting will always do the trick.

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