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Adv. Duplicator.

Eclisoul |

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I recently made a dupe, when I relogged I'm no longer able to use it, and it breaks my ADV. Duplicator, if I open a dupe I get this in console:


[ERROR] addons/advdupe2-master/lua/advdupe2/cl_networking.lua:190: attempt to index a nil value

1. LoadGhosts - addons/advdupe2-master/lua/advdupe2/cl_networking.lua:190

2. Function - addons/advdupe2-master/lua/advdupe2/cl_networking.lua:283

3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/usermessage.lua:87


And then it just replies with "Adv. Duplicator is busy" Sort of messages.


How to reproduce: I go into my Q tab, and double click a dupe.

[ERROR] addons/advdupe2-master/lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/advdupe2.lua:2122: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'TotalGhosts' (a nil value)

1. RemoveProgressBar - addons/advdupe2-master/lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/advdupe2.lua:2122

2. Function - addons/advdupe2-master/lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/advdupe2.lua:2126

3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/usermessage.lua:87


This is another error I've received as well.

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