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Favortism in the community

President Pooptickler

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Now I might be going a little crazy here but I think between some people there is favortism going on in the server. I encountered a problem a couple weeks ago and today. A couple weeks ago I was raiding the PD and without warning or an advert someone (not naming names, but he was a VIP) came up and killed me, without adverting counter or anything. I asked him why, he said he was raiding, now I understand if you are raiding you can kill people in the base in which you are raiding but I was raiding also, so the correct action would to be to advert counter. I tried hard to get a mod to me, no one would come so I begged the admins to at least warn him of rdm, yet no one would. This right here I would've gotten a warn from an admin if I did something like this. Now today I was playing and then I was raiding a base and in the backyard were a bunch of drugs, I decided to take them for myself and then someone came up and was shooting me from behind, so I quickly turned back and killed the guy in self defense. However since I was in another player's base the guy should've adverted counter instead the reason behind him attempting to kill me was that he was raiding. How could he raid me if I'm in someone else's base, anyhow, I contacted the mod, he told me I was in the right and I asked him to warn the guy. The problem was that he only gotten a verbal warning, which if I would've done that I would've gotten an actual warn. Attempted RDM is not something you give a verbal warning to, you know.


Maybe it's just me being naive and not knowing the rules to the fullest extent, but both of these cases seemed to me as favortism, like the VIPs get away with everything that the regular players don't.

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The admins seem to not care as much unless you do something directly to them or one of their friends i.e. I call Siren 12 in OOC, his friends say several things to defend him which makes sense but then when they get mad I blew up one of their bit coin miners that I thought was a money printer I got no verbal warning and no option to pay it back,  just a sit and a warning. The Staff pick and choose who they verbally and permanently warn for the most part.

Shouldn't this be expected though? Like if your friend is like "Pee pee pee poo poo poo this guy RDmed me please banz hims" the admin will most likely side with his friend or hiself and start the sit but if it's just a user they have no affiliation with they will just do "Your case was denied for the following reason: Ask the guy who killed you."

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I don't treat VIP's any different than regular members and for no reason should staff members either. Any staff action that is unjustified should result in a report. A lot of people seem to leave the server when they don't like the staff but that doesn't help because they will always be there and I sucks because I sincerely want to help and provide a place where everyone can just dick around. I cannot be on the server 100% of the time and I rely on head admins / admins / moderators to kinda watch themselves and their peers.


This is a GMOD server and the people who are staff are purely handpicked from applications from random people which means I cannot get the best of both worlds. I cannot get competent staff members 100% of the time. I cannot get staff members who don't fight each other, I cannot get staff members who know right from wrong, I cannot get staff members that will suck up their pride and admit that they were wrong. I can only get so much from a person which is why I am trying to make it so rules basically exist in very minor forms to prevent someone from just breaking the rules blatantly, resulting in an admin call,  if that makes sense.


Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of staff members and players who I sincerely like and a lot of people who I just think "Why are you still here, what are you doing". This goes for both players and staff. You may be asking "Well it's your server, why don't you just get rid of them?" I cannot ban / demote people who haven't done anything initially wrong without evidence. That would lead me to being kind of corrupt in a sense and being an unjustified asshole. Just because I don't like them doesn't mean I can ban them. I mean..I could but what good does that do? I believe if you're banned / demoted for a 100% legit reason then you can learn from your mistakes. When you're put off because "I think ur stupid" or "I don't like you" then it's not worth it.


I like demoting people / banning people when they have some serious shit in their hands. A simple report with screenshots can and may get you somewhere if they have had enough reports on them or it's very clear they should be demoted. I tell this to every player but reporting people will get you somewhere. Staff vs Staff, Player vs Player, Player vs Staff all works. If you put enough effort into it then it will be reviewed accordingly.

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Maybe if you made it so you get a reward for making a abuse report, I think most players don't care enough to report it maybe something in game would help motivate people to make abuse reports.

This will create false reports and waste time

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Maybe if you made it so you get a reward for making a abuse report, I think most players don't care enough to report it maybe something in game would help motivate people to make abuse reports.

This will create false reports and waste time


I thought about that I couldn't think about how we could fix that then make a punishment for false reports.

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Maybe if you made it so you get a reward for making a abuse report, I think most players don't care enough to report it maybe something in game would help motivate people to make abuse reports.

This will create false reports and waste time


I thought about that I couldn't think about how we could fix that then make a punishment for false reports.



It would still waste everyone's time I'd rather not have that

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Maybe if you made it so you get a reward for making a abuse report, I think most players don't care enough to report it maybe something in game would help motivate people to make abuse reports.


I shouldn't have to reward you for doing good. If you truly want something done then you will make a report. Humans are known to complain about something more than praise something. If you seriously think your ban / kick / another player's ban was unjustified or some staff's actions was unjustified, you will make a report. If you think "It is a waste of time and effort to make a report" then your issue isn't really an issue.

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