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Resignation of Cullen V2


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So, recently I've really big argument over activities that I have done with all the head admin and Sugar.  To summarize this, I have apperently abused No clipped and only taken 5 sits in a week.  So, after getting yelled at, I told Erston to demote me to VIP and with NO QUESTIONS ASKED.  I thought this was the best course of action and I'm not going to quit the server over this stupid little incident, but I am going to start to play less.  I've recently gotten a good paying job and going to another job interview tomorrow.  Soooooooooooooooooooo.............


I'm not going to play as much as I used to, but because off all these things I've done. I've decided to demote myself.  I will see by the end of this month, how things are going between myself and the server.  Then I will make another application, but until then treat me like a normal person (VIP).


[EDIT]: Gazook's pointed this post out to me and this was a month old, but I think this was the biggest trigger:





I still stand by that statement

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Damn it Cullen your gonna leave me with some of the shitty staff members? Everyone's resigning man


I actually really like the staff members....


I think I need to chill as a staff member.

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