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Mods have no sence of rp


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I just got banned for creating a base as a black market dealer. One mod told me as long as I sold guns out of it I could. Then they told me i had to run a shop. Can someone please tell me what kind of black market has a little shop on the side of the street? And when i out smarted them with that comment they just banned me. This isn't the first time I've had problems here either. I've been rdm'ed, raided multiple times in a very short amount of time by the same people, and reported plenty of cases of prop-block and nothing is done. But i get banned for having a base as a black market dealer because the admins are afraid to admit they were wrong. It's a good server just needs better people running it who won't abuse their powers.

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You were basing as a black market dealer, and not selling guns to people at all. Pickle and I asked you multiple times to either sell guns to people, remove the base and make a shop , or change jobs. You refused to do any of these. When we told you there was a consequence to do this you said " I dont care if I get banned there are plenty of other servers".  When we pulled you into a sit you attempted to kill some random guy on the street, we then jailed you.

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Sean If you are looking to report him go to this link and follow the correct format https://titsrp.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14 ( Correct format https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=313 )

If you're looking to do a ban appeal go to this link and follow correct format https://titsrp.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=18 ( Correct format https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=1325 )

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I warned the guy on the street to leave multiple times because i was BUILDING A BLACK MARKET STORE. I told him i was going to kill him if he didn't leave. And your the one that told me i could base there as long as i sell guns out of it so don't pull that "pickle and i asked you multiple times" bull shit. And there are plenty of other servers. Ones where you can properly rp a black market dealer by not having a store on the side of the street. You should probably learn how a black market works if your going to have it as a job. Also, you gave me like 1 minute after you told me i could build a shop there, before returning and harassing me some more. Like i said. This server needs less abusive admins.

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This is not a report, it is in the Discussion section and is therefore not classified as a report and has no format to follow.


First of all, it's sense, not sence.


Second of all, when I was a moderator, I had quite a good sense of RP.


Third and lastly, BASING, not SELLING, as a Black Market Dealer, is FailRP. If you want to base, become a supplier. Don't have VIP? Too bad, no basing as a dealer I guess.

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To answer your question, no.


It cannot be a store if you're selling guns out of it. The store must be publicly accesible in some way, you may block off a back room or something and have printers, but you may not just block it all off. It's not even a shop at that point.

Koben, link that format one more time and I'm disowning you from my house.


He is allowed to argue here, it is a discussion and people can say whatever they want(within reason).

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i never got to finish it because the mods that were in swarmed me. I was getting ready to put a sign up when they banned me. im reporting the mod the was harassing me and moving to a different server.

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