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Another Anniversary


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So I was just looking through the old Accepted Moderator Applications and I noticed my first application. I clicked on it and found that it was accepted exactly 1 year ago. Mine was one of 5 applications accepted that day (3 were denied and the other person who got accepted was Mr. Sheepy).


It makes me look back on TitsRP, knowing I've been a part of this staff team for a year now. I've seen many things on this server, both good and bad. I've met thousands of people, I even talk to some of them today. I've seen 6 map changes and still wish the playerbase would be more accepting of a new map instead of loving boring old Downtown_v2.


This brings me to my time as staff. If you didn't know, I joined May 18th, 2015. I initially joined TitsRP as a replacement for another DarkRP server I had played on that went down. I put my application almost a month after on June 12th before getting accepted 4 days later. My time as a regular Moderator were shaky at first, I had a bit of trouble getting from using the ULX Menu to do everything instead of using chat commands, I forgot ban reasons, and I asked for help a lot. However, as the summer wen't on, I gained new role models who I aspired to do as well as and hoped to one day reach the rank of Admin. School rolled along and I became only really active on weekends and holidays), doing my best to help the server when I could. When Christmas came, I found I was promoted to Head Moderator. This was a fluke, but I was reassured by Sugar that anyone who had the Head Mod rank would be promoted to Admin. My aspirations on the server came true, I had reached the point of becoming Admin. Up until now, the ride has been smooth despite me resigning due to troubles outside of the server, but I came back ready to help the server.


So I'm basically going to sum this up here:


Thank you Sugar for seeing potential in me and eventually allowing me the rank of Admin. Also thanks for accepting me all that time ago. I know I haven't been here as long as many of the other Admin+ staff, but I hope I stay with this server until the end and serve it as best I can


Thanks to all the Admins and up (Crt, Gazooks, Taj, etc.) for inspiring me to become staff and keep at it all this time. You guys are the best.


Thanks to all Moderators for doing your best to also make this server better. Your work may go unnoticed sometimes, but when you do good we all feel good.


Thanks to all the Trail Moderators for applying or buying the rank to help make the server better and carry on the torch for staff who leave. You guys are the best for hanging in there and working to become full Moderator.


To the playerbase, keep on playing and giving the staff team a purpose on this server. Also just accept the fact that Downtown_v2 is boring as heck.


Again, thanks for allowing me to be a part of this team for a full year. I'll leave off with the basis of the quote Sugar first told me when I became a Mod:


"From what I've noticed, about 95% of all players on DarkRP have no common sense whatsoever. I want YOU to be the 5%" ~Sugar Tits

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