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report (self report) on drperky


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Did the clip that Dr perky help with the other post towards terrry? yes. Did Dr Perky break rules to get the clip? also yes. As such I'm going to be +1 for a warn for Propclimbing/3rd person camera exploiting

Breaking rules to get clips of someone else breaking the rules is not ideal. Contact staff via DMs if your concern is that extreme. 

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regardless of the situation, you do not break the rules to prove another person breaking the rules or in involvement of any other rule breaks. As piklas has already copy pasted, you dont take rule breaking into your own hands. Call another staff to spectate and record terry if you have suspicions he may be cheating or breaking the rules. This is not the first time someone has been suspected of cheating or a member of staff suspected of abusing. How do people think we get evidence to ban or demote staff. From other staff finding out and recording. 


Whatever you do, go through the necessary and correct channels. Two wrongs dont make a right its so simple. 



+1 for the usual punishment for using an exploit. 

Edited by Crabroll
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7 hours ago, AflictoGaming said:

Did he raid this base afterword? Did he try and tell a staff member? From the looks of this he was using it to make a report. Now i don't condone doing it this way at all and don't recommend others doing it either but from the looks of this he didn't use this for a advantage whatsoever towards the staff member 

The original videos are 1 minute apart from him being dead and back under the base exploring. Pretty obvious he didnt even try to talk to staff and also he already had a clip of what he was reporting for so what reason is there to go back and start exploiting ?


I will remind staff that only a month ago smerexy was banned for exploiting out of a base where a raid was already won and over. What was the advantage there?

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