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Garrymode's false ban


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Why were you banned or warned?

I was accused of saying the N word by a twitch streamer, who clipped someone saying the N word. I was in the video close to him and he said it was me who said it when it wasnt.

Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

Because I never said the N word, and in the clip you see someone named Bi11c0sbyy said it instead. His name shows up, and mine never does.

Who warned/banned you?

Beef Curtains

How long were you warned or banned for?

3 days

Your Steam Name: Obama 2 da rim = buckets fr fr

Your in-game name: Garrymode

Your SteamID:



Why were you warned/banned?: "Player Toxicity"


Why should you be unwarned/unbanned? : I never said the N word as I was claimed to have said it, a clip was posted and you could never see my name in the bottom right when it was said, and bi11 Cl1nton even got warned for saying the N word in the clip whenever they reviewed the clip. Beef Curtains hardly reviewed the clip and banned me before I could even make my case.


Who warned/banned you and for how long?: Beef Curtains for 3 days


Evidence: https://clips.twitch.tv/AnimatedSlickNewtLitty-k7rQTmhnTr5Ix2wB

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It seems that the clip is taken down do there isn't any evidence, it was clipped through Twitch and having a clip with a Hard R in it is against the twitch TOS. I watched the clip before and the player that you stated, Bi11c0sbyy, was the actual person who has said that slur. 

+1 for Unban

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