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Lightsabers are exploits?

Dian Robingson

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Now I've gotten 3 msgs asking if hitting through a wall with a lightsaber is exploiting. Why they are asking me this? Idk I'm not a mod but seeing as that kid got banned for thought I thought i'd bring it some attention. Now the question is...


Is piercing through a wall with a lightsaber exploiting?


MY thought processes would be... No.

Why you ask? If you watched any of the starwars movies lightsabers go through things. Things like people and walls and I'm sure if someone was on the other side of that wall they would die. Here are some images to prove my point




And the other being...



Well there you have it. Rather or not this is going to even be taken into consideration is beon me and frantically nothing I can do about it but ye. 




Now I'm going back to my grave. Bye.

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Through props / walls and fading doors? Yea, since you physically cannot attack back and you can have a barrage of like 10 people standing with lightsabers at a wall, killing a guy crouching through your crouchbase which does make your base 100% unraidable IMO.


If you're busting down a regular rotating door, I don't think so. You're supposed to be able to go through those.


It doesn't really matter what a lightsaber can and can't do outside of the game, in this server they should not be your goto tool to make your base unraidable

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