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CP Bug


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Description: When someone declines their fine, they go to jail for 0 minutes.


How to reproduce: Fine someone and have them decline their fine


Priority: 11/10

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Well if they are cuffed and they decline, they go to jail automatically.


If they accept, it subtracts the amount they paid from their bounty


If they accept and they don't have enough money, they go to jail


If they decline and they are not cuffed, they are made wanted and they can try to run


I checked what happened and it seems I am dividing the amount of jailtime by 60 when it's already divided when sent over. This shouldn't actually affect the amount of time they are in jail but it will affect when it says "user has declined to pay his and went to jail for x minutes". I will fix that

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This shouldn't actually affect the amount of time they are in jail but it will affect when it says "user has declined to pay his and went to jail for x minutes". 


It affects the user's jailtime

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This shouldn't actually affect the amount of time they are in jail but it will affect when it says "user has declined to pay his and went to jail for x minutes". 


It affects the user's jailtime


Yea, just tried it out. Also fixed for the next crash / reset

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hey, isnt 10 mins in jail that seems no fun, but you should find a way to make a jail yard for the players can atleast run around and play ball or something (kinda like a prison yard)

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hey, isnt 10 mins in jail that seems no fun, but you should find a way to make a jail yard for the players can atleast run around and play ball or something (kinda like a prison yard)


The point isn't to make it fun. The point it to have it so if you do something illegal, you're going to legit pay for it or do the time. It makes playing CP viable and fun to catch people and send them to jail and it makes it so that players should think about what they are doing.


Now it's all about risk and reward. Being really optimistic, this should be the thought process now:


"Jimmy, we should raid Frisk"

"Fuck no, if we get caught, we can go to jail for 5 - 10 minutes"


"Jimmy, lets mug Frisk"

"Fuck no, we can get fined + sent to jail for 3 - 5 minutes"


"Jimmy, lets heist the PD"

"Fuck no, that involves killing cops + getting our bounties insanely high which can make us go to jail for the max time, we should do it somewhere where people won't see us"


Instead of:


"Jimmy, lets raid Frisk"

"He has a shipment of Dual Elites in his house"



"Jimmy, lets mug frisk"

"Lol ok"


"Jimmy, lets heist the PD"

"Frisk is already heisting it, we just have to wait 20 min and then we will lol"


Of course it depends if the cops have an IQ above potato and they are playing cops for this exact reason. I can't force good cops unless I make it so they have to be whitelisted but that's most likely never going to happen

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