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RDM Zone Spawning


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Oke, so, interested in getting some of the community's thoughts on the "spawn-in-RDM-zone" feature.

On it's face, sounds really cool-- that run from the spawn zone to the portal was kinda stinky sometimes.

In practice though, at least in my experience, immediate respawns turn the RDM zone into a much more frantic mess than I think it really needs to be.


If the goal of the RDM zone is to be a chaotic luck of the draw get five kills because someone spawned right into my crosshairs as many times in a row only to die because they immediately spawned behind me before I could reload or even turn to check my surroundings, then we're all sorted but I believe a three second respawn timer or going back to the old way to afford at least moment or two of breathing room would do a lot to make the RDM zone feel less like an RNG-based gambling shooter and more like something a smidge more skillful where you don't get powerfucked so hard by circumstance alone.

What do you folks think?


Edited by dmg / qzzrbl
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45 minutes ago, KKStoner said:

The real issue is the dogshit weapons in the rdm zone, and spawning too close to eachother. Other than that the rdm zone is fine

Agreed, to some extent.

I don't think "bad" weapons should necessarily be cut, but there's def more than a few weapons that don't appear to even function at any level that could stand to be culled-- but that's neither here nor there as far as this suggestion goes.

Perhaps the spawn locations are more of a factor than I initially thought, and could be reworked some, 'cause my main bitch with the current state is the cycle of spawn-instadeath-spawn-instadeath-spawn-instadeath-spawn-get a kill-get a kill-person you killed spawns with you in their crosshairs faster than any human is able to react-instadeath-spawn-instadeath-etc.


Or the inverse, where you've got a 100+ magazine weapon and you just dominate a long string of people that were unfortunate enough to chain spawn into your crosshairs.


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