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factory restore?

reinstall sound drivers?

reinstall gmod?

delete all local gmod files?

delete and unsub all addons?


1. Cant, cant find my CD but that really shouldnt change anything considering I dont have that problem with any other game

2. Again, only in gmod I am having the issue

3. YES. 3 TIMES!

4. Yes, 3 times...

5. Yes, did not do anything.

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 only in gmod I am having the issue


If it's only gmod the things I would recommend are


Delete and unsubscribe from all addons

When you did this did you literally unsubscribe from them, make sure you do because if not steam will just 'auto update gmod' and redownload them.


Unsubscribing from all addons


The code he talks about is actually a comment and not in the description.



It may be the version of Garry's Mod you have downloaded or something in your files may have been changed


Version: make sure your gmod is up to date, you can google how to update a steam game cause you could have turn off auto update and forgot possibly

Corrupt Files: Just reinstall the game.

Fucked up settings: in gmod I recommend typing unbindall then going into your options and click the set all to default button. You will loose all custom binds but you can always set those back.



What if this is just a prank bro? Someone bound stopsound to W on your computer?

TBH you have had this problem for awhile so trying again with these wouldn't hurt.

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1. Verify Game Cache/Integrity

2. Unsub from everything

3. Check game properties

4. Check Steam settings


I remember having this exact issue with CS:GO, try all of the above.

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