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When I am the only staff on the server:)


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When I am the only staff on the server...

When Server goes to shit....

When there are 10 people in my sit...

When I refunded over 250k worth of shit....

When people call me names...


Well...  The pictures aren't clear, but a whole bunch of people were watching my sit from a distance, so I decide to take a quick action :D






I literally killed myself and had to log of because I had a ton of Calculus 2 Homework...


Vote for me for admin :D

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Let me put it into mass reasonable death match.


There was over 40 people on the server.

There were atleast 10 people in this one sit.

There was about 20 people watching me do this sit from the ledge.

That's almost the whole server just watching me do this fucking sit, that was retarded.



When I first noticed them up there, they were prop pushing through the wall and into the admin area.


I took out my AK and killed half of them for being annoying. 


I wish I had the cannon... 


Omg that would been the best mass RDM I've ever done...

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