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Your In-Game Name:

Megabyte Me

Your Steam ID:


Who are you reporting?:

Money Maker Props STEAM_0:0:59017306

Why are you reporting this player?:

So it began as this guy damaged me in the PD as I was doing the scratch-offs. I had only been attacked only once in the PD. So I checked the logs to see who it was. Throughout this whole thing, it did not yet show that he had died. So I ended up legally killing him. He came to me for an explanation as to why I rdmed him, which I explained he did damage to me in the PD, so me killing him was not rdm and left that area. Since then he became so sour about it that he frequently wouldn't get off my back and not only kept following me around, harrassingly and repeatedly calling me an rdmer as such, and also occasionally preceded to call me other harassing names. Occasionally I did ask him to stop, but he kept completely disregarding it and continued. Eventually, a sit was called, which in the sit he lied about the whole situation and no punishment took place, due to the mod requesting to view the video evidence. Once the videos were uploaded and ready to view, the player had already left the server and the mod requested that I report it in the forums with all the evidence I had.

Do you have evidence related to this incident?:


4 Videos are shown below, with a detailed description of the videos, since I believed that they required an explanation. Along with a copied and pasted, word for word log entry of the attack, which is what I viewed the video 1 PD.


Video 1: https://streamable.com/h5zct9 - In this video, it shows I had only gotten attacked once during scratch offs, which I checked the !slogs to see who it was and it showed:


"23:25:13 Player Money Maker Props (EventHorizon) attacked Megabyte Me (Agent 666) with [NULL Entity]. New Health: 97". Secondly, it also shows that throughout the video it did not show that the player had once died. So the shooting and killing of the player was legal and not RDM itself.


Video 2: https://streamable.com/tywiia - In this video it show that the player did confront me and ask for an explanation about what had happened. I explained he did damage to me in the PD, therefore the kill was not RDM and then left that area.


Video 3: https://streamable.com/zx4eu1 - In this video I was just casually walking around, minding my own business, and he kept following me calling me an RDMer, saying I've been RDMing, and at one point called me an RDMing bitch, until someone was nice enough to assist. I did ask him once or twice to stop, but he disregarded it entirely.


Video 4: https://streamable.com/5lzmuq - In this video he first proceeded to call me an RDMing Freaking. After he attacked another player he used his SWEP to the same roof I was on, and continued to harass me. I explained what happened and asked him to stop and then finally made a ticket to the mods. When the sit was called, he lied about the whole thing, by mostly denying most of the whole thing and said he just wanted an explanation, which I had already gave to him twice. The mod requested to view the video evidence and no punishment took place.

Edited by LilAnkleBiter
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Uh well..After just spending 10mil to get an item for a CC. You get eager to earn some money again. So I was determined to win in the scratch offs first of all. I Just wanted to earn some money, without having to constantly have to fight determine raiders. I was going to just win in scratch offs and then hang out in the diner by the tunnel, but I origainally had no intention of hunting this guy dowm. Doc I just wanted to win 7.5K at least and I throughout this time I was also watching the top right corner for kills. Since the doors weren't broken, followed by door opening, and I so happened to be the only on in the PD I assumed the explosive was intended for me. So I was going to show him a piece of my mind. Since before the scratch offs I had gotten health and armor. I know that doesn't look good on my part, but it's the part Slytherin in me, but the fact that he was constantly rubbing what happened in my face in a negative way is no excuse to act online.

Edited by LilAnkleBiter
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I was apart of the 2-3 sits you made. The first sit it was about rdm. You said that the guy shot you, which happened, but the thing is you decided to kill him after 2 minutes. Hunting someone down is not an option at all. You should not take actions into your own hands in the future. You should be more carefull. And btw something i just noticed, i don't know if you knew but at some point i gagged you cause you were screaming in my ears. Although i gagged you, you were still speaking without me hearing you. Anyways, i get that you are mad but you don't have to be angry over a person from the internet. I was the one who told you to make a report about the guy in the forums because i couldn't wait for you to upload those vids. I'll just let higher ups handle this.


P.S dont scream in my ears xd

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The first video in your evidence tells me you are a minge. Your justification of your actions only further proves my point. There was not a single reason to hunt this guy down and kill him.


You can't tell me PD was empty, because you had your face in a scratch off. If it was intended for you, you'd be dead. Cause ya know.. you were in a scratch off... 


Honestly, I want to throw out this entire report, simply because you're an asshole. I will wait and see what a couple others think about the situation. 

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Well I try not to be. I have some anger issues, developed from a family member, but I'm currently working on it. So it's a work in progress. I also have autisim and don't have many social skills from constantly being bullied growling up. This is not intended as an excuse, but I've been trying to improve all these things. it's just not easy being how I was raised. Still maybe hunting him down might not have been the best thing, but what I did still doesn't justify what he's done and the way he kept it going for so long. Even after asking 4 or more times to stop. You can't just dismiss that?

Edited by LilAnkleBiter
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Yeah, I think this is honestly a bad report, based on the fact on what doc said. You really WAITED, and THEN proceeded to hunt him down. Obviously it wasn't a big deal at the moment, so looks like you were just trying to be an asshole, in all honesty. You should of just hunted down the guy immediately if it was just a big deal. No wonder the dude thought that you rdmed him. -1

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