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PD Chill Dupes


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This whole suggestion is something simple, allow Non-CP's to create chill dupes / areas as long as they follow a strict criteria.


  • Does NOT obstruct anything
  • Does NOT Interfere with CP's
  • Must have permission from the mayor
  • Can't give any sort of defensive advantage towards the builder (Walls to prevent being shot, places to crouch for cover, etc.)
  • Can't have any sort of entities other than boomboxes
  • Can't be in an area that CP's must go through to enter the PD (Lobby, Mayors office / outside office)
  • The builder can't make CP's unable to enter


Though it's a bit much in terms of rules, it wouldn't allow people to abuse it. I don't believe that people should be completely unable to build in the PD because they aren't CP, as long as it doesn't interfere with others or serve some sort of rp advantage. It would be nice to have builds in places like the jail or storage room that are just areas where people can relax. 

Edited by ZestyBoi
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