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The Gandalf Job (Potions)

Don Person

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Currently the Gandalf class (Under VIP jobs) Is what I would consider to be the laughing stock of VIP jobs. Every single job under VIP jobs has some level of meaning, from the aliens ability to kiss, kidnap, and turn into props, the fight club managers ability to set a little betting rink, hell, even John Cena has something of his own, the chair. Now what does Gandalf have? A easily obtainable stick. Now, what I personally believe he should be able to do is two things, first: The ability to create talismans, this would bring to him another use and make it so the spirt caller is not the only way to obtain them (Obtaining them through lootboxes being ignored.) Second: The ability to create potions. Now, I don't believe he should be able to create the potions tits currently uses, honestly having infinite beast potions would be a nightmare for everyone. What I believe is that there should be a new potion system put into place, an example: Potions that, Similar to the Restaurants Owner, Can experiment with different resources to create different, new potions, these potions being unable to stack. Now, this might bring up the question of why not just use the Restaurant Owner, which is why I propose a different system for gathering ingredients, to be specific, a fourth material. A plant in which spawns in randomly set locations near the beach and mining area that drop a random Herb, each of varying rarity. The final thing I'd like to put is I believe it should stay in the VIP tab, and have a max of 2 players as the Job at a time. The VIP thing to add a new insentive to do the work and get 3 mil, or whatever it may be to get VIP. 

I'm sorry if there's sudden cut offs or anything that's misspelled, I made this in a rush. I know this is likely too complicated to even think of adding, but I don't really think of that when I'm making things like this so oh well. 

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Both of these suggestions that you two have posted are pretty good. I'm not sure what people would think about the first one, but the second idea needs to be done for sure. He doesn't have much variety, so you can't do anything with them. 

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To be honest if gandalf just had the ability to choose spells, like a wabajack that could, on right click, give a list of spells to use while the rest you had to just go random I feel like it'd be a lot better than what we have now, maybe add a 30 sec cool down to each spell or smthn

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