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RDM Zone Mappool Suggestions

snake eyes

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 The RDM zone maps need to be updated.

Here's the current map-list from worst to best IMO (if i am not missing any):










To summarize my opinions on them without going into too much detail:

Grates: Extremely campy and boring, with the platforms being oneway it makes players incentivize camping around waiting for others to snipe, the middle area is absolutely useless and the sniping is extremely easy.

Beams: The middle is just kinda stuffed with beams from nuke and a singular rock, making it really easy to just back into a corner and awp people for days behind some deployable shields and armor packs.

Docks: The spawns are split between the top and bottom area. Sniping is much harder when facing people from ground but very easy when they spawn on top. Also ambushing people from top makes mid very odd.

Mess: Getting caught on the sides of the map will kill you easily. Middle is interesting to play on but not enough outgoing cover. Also the hitboxes are oversized causing some to waste ammo trying to shoot thru the wood.

Opencube: Combats focused in on the small bits of cover which is nice. Awping is easier than mess but still not impossible to counter with all the cover. Some of the spawns are pretty bad however.

Houses2: The great Houses2. the Houses aren't very well spaced but its not nearly that bad. Roof spawns can be overpowered when combined with any sniper. A lot of the indoors area is a bit useless for anything but camping because of the fact that you cant shoot through any of the windows. Overall though its not that bad and i personally like it.

Houses: The top tiered map. The map has great shooting lines but can be countered by going into the wooden houses and shooting through those as i find that most people forget about them. The middle has some alright cover with the warehouse shelves in-between. The spawns aren't too terrible either, with only a few spawns on the roof that usually don't last too long. It would be my go to map if the list couldn't be changed at all.


I also have made my own personal RDM zone that i would like to be able to test out if given the chance:



I think it would be a better idea to have one central rdm zone map that everyone plays on rather than having 7 maps and only having 2 that most of the community would call "fun". It also would make updating it more valuable as you wouldnt have it being in competition with other maps, and having map resets of the map needing $50,000 or an event token.

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