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The server needs serious change. In hopes of a better experience


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This post is spot on, 100%, I agree with almost everything you've said.


When I first joined the server almost 2 years ago now, I was immediately terrorized and punished by the mechanics of the server. My bases would always get raided and I could never seem to get a foothold of progress. Because of that, I resorted to playing the Police role, (which is what I find fun now, but it definitely isn't for everybody).


Since then, I practically only play CP. It's especially fun for me because both experienced and noob players must obey the law or be punished. There is no inequality or unfairness, it is a level playing field.



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I don't personally sell in-game money. I also don't buy because I don't have paypal. I personally would buy/sell ingame-money if I had available resources. I think this would be terrible if it were outlawed. You can't say the server will be p2w with it, because you can already buy suga which is used ingame or traded for money, this just making ingame money worth less. The only reason this would be outlawed is if the server just wants or NEEDS more money.


Sure, I can see where you're coming from but you're missing the point why this would most likely benefit the server.


We do not need money. As a server, we would like money to keep the server online and to buy more developers to speed up the development process. That is really all we do with it. (Plus we give it away). Outlawing the selling of in game items for IRL cash may indirectly increase cash flow but that wasn't the purpose of saying that. Just want to make that clear.


The main issue isn't really selling items for IRL cash. I don't mind if you sell your custom class model for $5 to someone else or if you sell 600 Suga for $5. The issue is more or less allowing people to get to a point where they have so much money that their sole purpose on the server is to sell their items for real money. This is a very common occurrence on the server when you get so high up there. You can see this in people's loading screen quotes, you can see this in game, in the discord, anywhere you look, someone is probably trying to sell their in game items for IRL cash.


The biggest reason to outlaw this is because of the big dogs. They buy out everyone's entities and base with them for 23 hours straight, multiple days a week (that isn't an exaggeration). In turn, they make profits of around 10 - 15 mil a hour. With that, they then sell their massed amount of wealth and rinse and repeat. I have seen that they can have up to 400 - 600 printers at a time. This shouldn't be a normal occurrence.


It has the negative effect of no one wanting to base because why would anyone base if they get paid to not base. It dumps so much money into the economy when there is a just a single group of people hording 400 - 600 printers in their base for 23 hours a day. Its a massive money farm both in game and out of game and it just hurts the overall economy.


Under normal circumstances, people would base themselves and make their own money using their own entities, they might get raided, they might log off in a few hours. In these circumstances, people are buying everyone's entities for the sole purpose of selling in game cash for money, they will play for a much longer time (such as 8 - 23 hours),


With so much money, they can undercut the market, buy what ever their heart desires and sell it to people in a mass amount. This isn't how the game is supposed to be played. We are not a Chinese gold farm.


Don't get me wrong, I think selling your in game cash for money is ok in small amounts and very infrequently. But these people's purpose is not use money on in game items. These people do not log on every day to play the game. They log in to make money. Defeating the purpose of it being a game and introducing it to being a job.


This is something i'm still looking for discussion on. I think the best course of action as of right now is to implement some kind of shock for processors on printers in mass amounts and see where it goes from there while other systems are being developed

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Sure, I can see where you're coming from but you're missing the point why this would most likely benefit the server.


We do not need money. As a server, we would like money to keep the server online and to buy more developers to speed up the development process. That is really all we do with it. (Plus we give it away). Outlawing the selling of in game items for IRL cash may indirectly increase cash flow but that wasn't the purpose of saying that. Just want to make that clear.


The main issue isn't really selling items for IRL cash. I don't mind if you sell your custom class model for $5 to someone else or if you sell 600 Suga for $5. The issue is more or less allowing people to get to a point where they have so much money that their sole purpose on the server is to sell their items for real money. This is a very common occurrence on the server when you get so high up there. You can see this in people's loading screen quotes, you can see this in game, in the discord, anywhere you look, someone is probably trying to sell their in game items for IRL cash.


The biggest reason to outlaw this is because of the big dogs. They buy out everyone's entities and base with them for 23 hours straight, multiple days a week (that isn't an exaggeration). In turn, they make profits of around 10 - 15 mil a hour. With that, they then sell their massed amount of wealth and rinse and repeat. I have seen that they can have up to 400 - 600 printers at a time. This shouldn't be a normal occurrence.


It has the negative effect of no one wanting to base because why would anyone base if they get paid to not base. It dumps so much money into the economy when there is a just a single group of people hording 400 - 600 printers in their base for 23 hours a day. Its a massive money farm both in game and out of game and it just hurts the overall economy.


Under normal circumstances, people would base themselves and make their own money using their own entities, they might get raided, they might log off in a few hours. In these circumstances, people are buying everyone's entities for the sole purpose of selling in game cash for money, they will play for a much longer time (such as 8 - 23 hours),


With so much money, they can undercut the market, buy what ever their heart desires and sell it to people in a mass amount. This isn't how the game is supposed to be played. We are not a Chinese gold farm.


Don't get me wrong, I think selling your in game cash for money is ok in small amounts and very infrequently. But these people's purpose is not use money on in game items. These people do not log on every day to play the game. They log in to make money. Defeating the purpose of it being a game and introducing it to being a job.


This is something i'm still looking for discussion on. I think the best course of action as of right now is to implement some kind of shock for processors on printers in mass amounts and see where it goes from there while other systems are being developed


I agree with this 100%. I don't think selling money should be against the rules since some people leaving the server have the right to cash out on their hard earned cash or priced items, but it shouldn't be the norm either. We're at a point right now where a lot of people are selling millions of dollars in-game for one dollar irl. This leads to people just buying every good item from the older players with money and skip the whole grinding process.


"It has the negative effect of no one wanting to base because why would anyone base if they get paid to not base. It dumps so much money into the economy when there is a just a single group of people hording 400 - 600 printers in their base for 23 hours a day. Its a massive money farm both in game and out of game and it just hurts the overall economy."


         This is something older players don't want to admit, yet it is basic economics. That level of hyperinflation for a single group of people in such a short-period of time is unhealthy economically. In regard to the proc/printer farms, I think some sort of system should be implemented to punish or at least debuff high quantities of procs/printers in close proximity. This will discourage megabasing and will allow for more bases to emerge. At the moment, big bases and groups are strongly incentivized, and you can easily farm printers day and night without repercussion if you are friends with all of the other big groups. The problem on the server is not only that there is a monopoly, but also that raiders don't have many options. The megabases end up raiding the small bases so quickly that an average raider can only chose between raiding the megabase or two other bases. There is not a lot of variety which makes raiding and basing less fun.


Another problem I see is the server encourages big groups while punishing people for solo basing. For example, there are gang perks for big, reputable gangs; but small groups of new players don't have those perks and talents. I think the gang perks should be nerfed to encourage smaller groups and give them a chance, instead of buffing bigger groups. This will help deal with the monopoly problem because it won't be so much of a pain in the ass for a solo to raid a group of 6 if they, for example, don't have Precious Life (when you get to 30hp, restore hp to 100). This is a perk unique to high-level gangs. Also, big groups on the server are usually allied with all of the other experienced groups, making it almost impossible for a solo to stack up against a party that is indirectly helped/influenced by the other good parties.


The party system should see a nerf. Something a long the lines of "Every party/gang member must be basing in the same base. Multiple bases are not allowed as parties/gang count as an individual entity." I've seen parties split their valuables into two different bases next to each other to make raiding EVEN more difficult for newer/smaller groups of people. Now they have double the space, can counter the base next to theirs, and face little to no repercussions. Some strategies to limit "power in numbers", both in proc/printer amount and in player amount, will largely help deal with the problem at hand.

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