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Mayor XP and Bounty Fixes

Cosmic Nova

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I would like to start this post off with my idea for daily xp given out to players for playing as mayor. As it stands the only reason a person really chooses to be a mayor is to have fun with the power and to kinda fuck with the players, which only so many players really feel like being the mayor. so I was thinking as a way to diversify who we get as the mayor why not give out xp to people surviving as the mayor. they can gain so much xp in a day before it becomes redundant. THE cons I see to this plan is bunker mayors, people who just shack up in mayors office for hours with the most disgusting base doing nothing so they can get exp.


The OTHER point of this post is to get the bounty and quick want fixed. As it is with the current bounty system a Cop can run up to you and want you with his baton then arrest stick you. This however does not reset your bounty. So if I have a $20,000 dollar bounty and a cop cuffs me and sends me to jail when I am freed I will still have that bounty and I will be immediately arrested again even though I have done absolutely nothing wrong. So I would say either get a jail button added to the cuffs and remove the arrest stick or have going to jail automatically remove your bounty so people don't continuously get re arrested :{

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