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A Map suggestion


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I have been seeing alot of people debating over a map to play on, and alot of people seem to want RP_EVOCITY. After doing some research, I think that I have found the best version of it that will work and on its own is fairly well optimized.


IMGUR for people who just wanna look: IMGUR Gallery

Workshop link for people who wanna explore: Steam Workshop




1. Big PD, harder to raid


2. Built in RP focused buildings such as banks, grocery store, hotels, pool, car dealership and more


3. Expansive woodlands


4. Makes use of the flashlight.


5. Great for cars


6. Great optimization on its own (I get higher fps alone on this map then alone on downtown)


7. Built in oddities such as Shield doors in PD, elevators, garages and sliding doors.


8. Build in atm's so that can be brought in as an addon if nessecary.


9. Wide open areas for free base building and the addition of things like Casino's and Movie Theaters


10. Most of the buildings are in downtown, so people who want to print/cook in peace can flock to the outside of the map. This means that less people will be in the way of the cops trying to shoot/arrest people downtown, and spread people out more evenly.


11. The mayor can base in SEVERAL of the floors in the PD, and there is even a small underground section for him to go if he wants to, making killing the mayor a bit more challenging than just one custom class fucking his shit up, and make the rebel class a bit more interesting.





1. The size of the map will make the hitman job a bit harder.


2. The woodlands can be very confusing


3. No blatant admin spots to use for privacy, but the size of the map should make it pretty easy anyway.


4. Kidnapping people will not get countered as often, again due to the size.



(If I think of anymore ill add them.)



1. I would crash every time I entered/exit the spoopy tunnel, however I believe this is a problem on my end.


I think that this map would be fucking fantastic, especially if a few minor tweaks are made to it to make it better (Depending on tits expertise of course)


Thanks for reading! :)

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What do you have against 33x? I feel as it's a bit more vibrant and it's more popular. But I also am not 100% sure I want to switch to a evocity map. I feel as it's either going to be a hit or miss...just like any other map. Maybe the best option is the downtown map with the sewers to be honest with you. Although I would love to someday play on evocity. Most new people join this server with the intention of playing on a "smaller" map. I don't know if this would attract more players or drive away a ton. I am leaning towards the second option.



The only problem I see with these is the materials, since it requires HL2 Episode 1 / Episode 2 mats.



You can download the materials online. Just place them in your Gmod root folder

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While I see what you mean, the problem is that most people dont like to buy bases, the bank practically serves no purpose, and the map promotes different styles of role play more so than any standard version of downtown. I think its worth a test, gather some opinion, and then call a vote. 33x also seems to be less optimized, or atleast in my case, because I get less frames on that map. im usually getting 100+ in all areas except downtown, where I drop to 60-40 frames. Take it from someone who used to moderate a Evocity server, if your gonna switch maps and increase serverlimit, Evocity is a good option.  Downtown might add sewers, but that isnt going to do too much to spread people out. The Source engine has a problem rendering multiple NPC/Players that are grouped together. Evocity sort of solves this problem. Plus, between 3pm and 10pm weekdays we are at 40+ players. With all due respect, the map you considered for replacing  downtown, especially if your increasing server size, does not help with the problem of too many players in a small space. Even if not on the scale of Evocity, a larger map would do nothing but benefit the server. I have seen several servers with beach sections, larger slums, intricate sewers and the like that are still, at its core, downtown, but have  a wider variety of options to choose from. Have you considered this version of downtown?

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While I see what you mean, the problem is that most people dont like to buy bases, the bank practically serves no purpose, and the map promotes different styles of role play more so than any standard version of downtown. I think its worth a test, gather some opinion, and then call a vote. 33x also seems to be less optimized, or atleast in my case, because I get less frames on that map. im usually getting 100+ in all areas except downtown, where I drop to 60-40 frames. Take it from someone who used to moderate a Evocity server, if your gonna switch maps and increase serverlimit, Evocity is a good option.  Downtown might add sewers, but that isnt going to do too much to spread people out. The Source engine has a problem rendering multiple NPC/Players that are grouped together. Evocity sort of solves this problem.


After testing it, I think you're kinda right. EvoCity can offer a TON of options but I think switching to this map makes the whole sense of RP more serious. Which is all good but I feel as a lot of people who play on this server aren't exactly looking for relatively serious rp. I am not too sure though. Maybe we can give it a shot but I know that if this fails, it will cripple our playerbase a ton. I think I am going to post another poll and get a weeks prep in terms of features to add into the server that this map can offer.

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Honestly, this map looks awesome and making cars useful will make this server not only cooler, but a way of making more money.  Any map that will make cars more useful is a thumbs up for me; however I think there are more cons then what you just listed.  For example, the map that you are showing us is a lot bigger than then original one, so there is going to be a lot more fps issues on both ends of the computer. (Sugar and the average player)  In conclusion, the small map allows players and Sugar to play on the server with smooth fps.  Another con would be player engagement. We all know the bigger the map, the less likely you are to engage with another person.  Now if Sugar, increase the amount of people on the server, I still feel that it would affect player engagement.  Now bringing that subject up, if sugar ups the amount of players on the current map or even the map with the sewers, I feel like its going to affect others fps.  In conclusion to my paragraph, I think we should give it a shot, if sugar increases the amount of player on the server; however I still feel that we should be looking at the he average players fps.

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Honestly, this map looks awesome and making cars useful will make this server not only cooler, but a way of making more money.  Any map that will make cars more useful is a thumbs up for me; however I think there are more cons then what you just listed.  For example, the map that you are showing us is a lot bigger than then original one, so there is going to be a lot more fps issues on both ends of the computer. (Sugar and the average player)  In conclusion, the small map allows players and Sugar to play on the server with smooth fps.  Another con would be player engagement. We all know the bigger the map, the less likely you are to engage with another person.  Now if Sugar, increase the amount of people on the server, I still feel that it would affect player engagement.  Now bringing that subject up, if sugar ups the amount of players on the current map or even the map with the sewers, I feel like its going to affect others fps.  In conclusion to my paragraph, I think we should give it a shot, if sugar increases the amount of player on the server; however I still feel that we should be looking at the he average players fps.


Nah, Beersy is right. I tested it with 50 bots in my local server and I didn't even notice a dip in my frames since I was in another section of the map. The map has render distance techniques in it which helps with FPS. The only hard hitting point is main part of the town which I get around 130 - 150 there.

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Honestly, this map looks awesome and making cars useful will make this server not only cooler, but a way of making more money.  Any map that will make cars more useful is a thumbs up for me; however I think there are more cons then what you just listed.  For example, the map that you are showing us is a lot bigger than then original one, so there is going to be a lot more fps issues on both ends of the computer. (Sugar and the average player)  In conclusion, the small map allows players and Sugar to play on the server with smooth fps.  Another con would be player engagement. We all know the bigger the map, the less likely you are to engage with another person.  Now if Sugar, increase the amount of people on the server, I still feel that it would affect player engagement.  Now bringing that subject up, if sugar ups the amount of players on the current map or even the map with the sewers, I feel like its going to affect others fps.  In conclusion to my paragraph, I think we should give it a shot, if sugar increases the amount of player on the server; however I still feel that we should be looking at the he average players fps.


The map offers little to no FPS difference, I actually get smoother FPS on evocity servers because the people are so spread and and the map has such a small draw distance as it is. And trust me, if 40 people on EVOctiy works, 50-60 will have plenty of player engagement.

Honestly, this map looks awesome and making cars useful will make this server not only cooler, but a way of making more money.  Any map that will make cars more useful is a thumbs up for me; however I think there are more cons then what you just listed.  For example, the map that you are showing us is a lot bigger than then original one, so there is going to be a lot more fps issues on both ends of the computer. (Sugar and the average player)  In conclusion, the small map allows players and Sugar to play on the server with smooth fps.  Another con would be player engagement. We all know the bigger the map, the less likely you are to engage with another person.  Now if Sugar, increase the amount of people on the server, I still feel that it would affect player engagement.  Now bringing that subject up, if sugar ups the amount of players on the current map or even the map with the sewers, I feel like its going to affect others fps.  In conclusion to my paragraph, I think we should give it a shot, if sugar increases the amount of player on the server; however I still feel that we should be looking at the he average players fps.


Nah, Beersy is right. I tested it with 50 bots in my local server and I didn't even notice a dip in my frames since I was in another section of the map. The map has render distance techniques in it which helps with FPS. The only hard hitting point is main part of the town which I get around 130 - 150 there.


I think it would be a good idea to get the communities idea on a vote. New players come and go every day, its the regulars that we need to make sure stay happy. Maybe do a test if the community thinks its worthwhile, and then we can see what kind of numbers we are a attracting for a few days once the map has been changed.

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