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Ospevons job suggestions (gonna be long didnt wanna post in the suggestion area!)


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Tools: None


Weapons: Pump shotgun


Advert Abilities: None


Team: Swat/ CP (meaning he is working for the swat/ CP to catch bad people in there base)


Description: Is a SPY for the swat/ CP, Can base with people, but only people he is spying on, at all cost do not let them know you are spying. CANNOT Raid, Mug, or Heist.


Slots: 1


Vote required: Yes


Salary: $30


Player model: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=158915192&searchtext=spy




Tools - Bludgeon, Lockpick, Keypad cracker



Weapons: Pump shotgun, Galil


Advert abilities: Can /advert War on CP (swats, mayor any cop job actually)


Team: Robot


Description: You are a Robot, You can do /advert War on Swat at any time, but you must wait till they accept to kill them. You are only allowed to raid PD.


Slots: 1


Vote required: No


Salary: $40


Player model: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=119968146&searchtext=robot




Yes I know I said it would be long, but for now I got some schoolwork to do I will finish up the list when I can, if you want leave your suggestions here also!

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We already have an undercover cop and the robot job just has generic rules. I mainly don't add in jobs every day because at this point, when you have 70+ jobs it's hard to think of some kind of unique rule(s) that will make people wanna become the job.

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We already have an undercover cop and the robot job just has generic rules. I mainly don't add in jobs every day because at this point, when you have 70+ jobs it's hard to think of some kind of unique rule(s) that will make people wanna become the job.


Tis why I suggestd removing alot of useless jobs a few weeks ago^

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