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Bunziix's Suggestions


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Make SBC Cannons/Trisha Launchers etc inventoriable if it hasnt been shot yet. Its not that game changing but it would be a good addition.


Make some of the Gang Talents that only work for Wierd Jobs work for every class. Some of the Talents are not being used at all and are pointless because no one wants a gang talent they can only use on a job they barely use. Here are some examples of Talents that i think should work on CCs etc: https://imgur.com/a/Fjk3wbK 


Allow us to be able to move the party menu, it gets in the way of the first 2-4 letters of some peoples names and is very annoying. https://imgur.com/a/1qq4BWo

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Some of those gang talents used in weird jobs if they were on a cc could be abused in raids which would not really go down well.


I think it would be cool if people used those talents when raiding, they dont seem to OP or game breaking and it would give people a reason to put it as one of there gang talents

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The party icon movement would be nice though. I don't there are some weird talents in the weird job talents that I think could be abused and somewhat unfair if the other person doesn't have it.


I mean if you think that is what should prevent normal CCs from using tho talents what do u think about weapon me up or precious life or blood sucker etc. There meant to be used to get an edge on your opponent. There not game breaking to the point were ppl will complain like the weapon me up talent.

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