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Bunziix's Suggestions


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Put the Laws up on the top right so that there is no confusion on what laws are active. Most newer players dont know how to check laws. 


Change the max mug amount on the e menu to 5k. This would prevent players mugging for more than they are supposed to.


Add extracting blood to logs. I had a sit about a week ago and the guy was acting like he got just rdmed by another player. But really he was extracting blood from the player doing damage. This would make things easier in sits because if the guy did not have a video of the situation i might have banned the guy getting his blood taken. 


Add recent laws to dlogs. This would make it easier in sits envolving cops because if we cannot tell what the laws were 10 minutes ago when there was another mayor then we cannot determine if it was rdm/rda or the cop just enforcing the laws


Add a CP Watch Tower or something like that in this building: https://imgur.com/a/0hwmOSB It is an unused base location and in my opinion CP need more Cop controlled points. 


Right now the bank manager job is kinda boring and pointless. Make it to were you need a bank manager online to raid the bank. The bank has a nice space for a base but no one will raid the bank if someone has a dupe down. Also you could make it to were the bank manager gets more interest for how much is in the bank. The interest could come from all the money in the bank or just the money invested when you are the bank manager. This would motivate people to play bank manager and to try to get people to invest. 


Allow us to be able to change the inv color of items like C4, Tailsmen, Food, etc. I understand why you dont let us change the color of legendary and epic guns but you should let us change the color of the other items which only have one form. It would really help clean things up and satisfy my OCD: https://imgur.com/a/I4GCdVQ



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Good suggestions, hope all of them gets added but,


Add extracting blood to logs. I had a sit about a week ago and the guy was acting like he got just rdmed by another player. But really he was extracting blood from the player doing damage. This would make things easier in sits because if the guy did not have a video of the situation i might have banned the guy getting his blood taken. 






I'm pretty sure the poke shows up in the damage logs.




Allow us to be able to change the inv color of items like C4, Tailsmen, Food, etc. I understand why you dont let us change the color of legendary and epic guns but you should let us change the color of the other items which only have one form. It would really help clean things up and satisfy my OCD: https://imgur.com/a/I4GCdVQ


I'm pretty sure this feature is already in the server, that's if sugar hasn't removed them yet

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Allow us to be able to change the inv color of items like C4, Tailsmen, Food, etc. I understand why you dont let us change the color of legendary and epic guns but you should let us change the color of the other items which only have one form. It would really help clean things up and satisfy my OCD: https://imgur.com/a/I4GCdVQ


I'm pretty sure this feature is already in the server, that's if sugar hasn't removed them yet



The item coloring works on most items, but not all, those include C4, Food, Trisha's Launcher and other items.

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Good suggestions, hope all of them gets added but,


Add extracting blood to logs. I had a sit about a week ago and the guy was acting like he got just rdmed by another player. But really he was extracting blood from the player doing damage. This would make things easier in sits because if the guy did not have a video of the situation i might have banned the guy getting his blood taken. 






I'm pretty sure the poke shows up in the damage logs.




Allow us to be able to change the inv color of items like C4, Tailsmen, Food, etc. I understand why you dont let us change the color of legendary and epic guns but you should let us change the color of the other items which only have one form. It would really help clean things up and satisfy my OCD: https://imgur.com/a/I4GCdVQ


I'm pretty sure this feature is already in the server, that's if sugar hasn't removed them yet



Taking blood does not show up in logs, and you cannot color tailsmen, c4, food, etc. I understand that some other items are colorable. Im trying to get the other uncolorable items to be colorable.

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