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basing problemo

The Fast Turtle

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So basically I was playing then someone called for an admin and said "this guys is prop blocking and his base is impossible to get into" it was a crouch base. So I noclip inside to see if there was a keypad, and there was. I used the keypad checker on it and it said it was connected to the prop they were saying wasn't a fading door, (it was a fence) so I try and lock pick it myself and It didn't work so I noclipped to the part forcing the player to crouch and I had to hit a certain spot to lock pick.


So what I'm saying is fences are weird when it comes to lock picking compared to different props. You need to find the right angle to lock pick it, and when it's a crouch base it could be impossible to lock pick. I'm not sure if it's a glitch or I'm being stupid, but it's just something I noticed.

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