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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Stage4000

  1. Caught ya. Sorry I had to bail, something came up.
  2. Thank you, I hope to see you around.
  3. Yes this was def the guy, Id remember that cocky attitude any day. :P <3 so was that a hard no to being BFFs? I didn't say 5, I wasn't running a stop watch. I mean realistically it was like 45 seconds which is still mind blowing if we are being honest. And thank you for your warm welcome. <3 Staff are likely going to warn me for not posting this in the introductions section the way this is going. xD
  4. Thank you so much. Could someone tell me whom I should contact regarding donating my server plugins? I am not seeking anything in return, I am not allowed to sell them because that would be a violation of the license, I just want to contribute to this amazing community.
  5. For sure guys, anyone who wants to play is more than welcome to add me on steam, which of course you can get from my profile. I also play Rainbow 6 Siege, GTA-V, and CS:GO so feel free to add me if you want to play any of those either. This is probably the friendliest community I've ever seen, of course I ran into a few bad apples today but still the staff were prompt to remedy the situations and you cant judge a community by the few toxic players, the good guys still far outweigh the bad guys here and that is honestly just amazing, like I said previously I ran a DarkRP server years ago and no matter what I tried it seemed like the toxicity was unbearable despite all my efforts to make it a friendly inviting environment. I don't know what the secret is here, but you guys (staff and members alike) have obviously found the secret.
  6. I have run servers like this before, I know how much of a difference it makes to provide positive feedback when someone or something goes above and beyond. I have yet to run into a member of this organization who was anything less than friendly, even the guy who raided me when he was the incorrect job wasn't overly malicious he was just misinformed. I don't think I could have cultivated a better RP environment if I had tried. I know that my primary post was to praise the staff but also the users should be praised because they were very helpful, a couple of them helped me relearn how to play the game and were super helpful as well. As far as continuing to have a good time with you all, I'm sure I will everyone has been great. I think I am going to start learning the TitsRP rules to apply for a staff position. I love the atmosphere around here and would love the chance to give back to the community. I really can't thank everyone enough for their interactions with me yesterday, its really refreshing to join a server in ANY game that isn't completely toxic.
  7. Did you pay me 20k out of your reported 5m balance yesterday? If so, you went above and beyond in that sit.
  8. Firstly, let me start by saying that I haven't played DarkRP in years and have forgotten most everything. I started out yesterday by trying out EliteLupus, it was a nightmare. It wasn't DarkRP at all, it was a FFA DM on the titsrp downtown map. There were no staff and given the attitude of the players I doubt that any staff that is associated with them doesn't care about the rules. After that nightmare experience I decided to head to TitsRP and was shocked with the stark contrast it was from EliteLupus. There was active staff and the one time I felt wronged the staff responded to me within seconds and went above and beyond to remedy the situation in an extremely professional manner even though the rule violation was very minor. I honestly wish I could remember the name of the staff member who helped me because he gave me his own money to make up for the items I lost when I was killed and that was way beyond what I had expected, if you're reading this thank you so much. In conclusion, I think I will be playing exclusively on TitsRP servers from now on, thank you guys for providing quality servers with friendly and professional staff. I also own 4 premium gmod server scripts as I used to run a DarkRP server and can donate the license for such to TitsRP if the administration wants them.
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