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A Duck


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  1. My fellow TitsRP Illuminati peeps, we've been found out. Take em out.
  2. Here is my incredibly thoughtful input that took me a while to come up with: Lift the ban
  3. Ban all lolis and furries
  4. Hope to still see you in discord to play games homie.
  5. I want some mils pls Oh just sell me a model at full price and then sell it to everyone else at half price Wait...lol
  6. If you get on the server in the next minute I will give you 250 mil
  7. A Duck

    Ways of banning

    You know this isn't something you have to do for every ban right?
  8. A Duck

    Ways of banning

    Gives us all tomatoes to throw at the hanging person
  9. A Duck

    Ways of banning

    Cheese it boys! The fun police found us! I'll fund the development 100%
  10. This is 100% serious by the way. I feel as if we should make bans more dramatic, memorable for everyone involved. I feel as if there is a missing flair to the whole process. My suggestion would be something like to have a set of volcanoes in sitland with various ban times that people get sacrificed into and once thrown in would be banned for said time. The volcanoes would erupt in rapture of course with every ban. Could also do a special one for permbans where we hold a public execution with everyone gathering around for the event. There are many ways you could do this type of thing, these two examples were given just to kick off the idea train. Again, 100% serious and I would volunteer to test the valcano first.
  11. A Duck

    PD Menu Bug

    This is an intermittent bug for me with no real rhyme or reason from what I've noticed. Just happens at random times and goes away at random times. I wonder if it has anything to do with like mayor and hacker fucking with the screens at the same time or something.
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