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Dian Robingson


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Dian Robingson

  1. Now, the new job The Supplier is supposed to allow you to self supply but...


    Maybe you supply the seeds? I'm not sure i haven't played yet or tried to figure out any new classes, because i haven't played yet but ill be on tonight.


    Everyone can buy seeds.

  2. I think the whole server can agree that emperor's shotgun/minigun hyprid thing is op and needs to be nerfed. Its like a 2 hit minigun and a 2 hit fully auto spread shotgun. That is the most op shit ive ever seen. Please nerf I really ruins the point of fighting back when he has that shit.

  3. So recently ive got paid from my job and I want to add a bunch of shit to my class but I don't wanna bother sugar tits 24/7 for any change made. So I thought it would be a good idea if there was a thread that requested custom class changes. It goes along these lines:

    Your steamname:

    Your IGN:

    Your steamprofile or steamid (Steamidfinder.com):

    Your class name:

    Class changes:

    Players added (Optional):

    For class changes, list the pricings and donate to sugar tits the amounts of money.

    For item replacements list them in class changes with format of (Item to replace) -> (Item to replace with) Example: Keypad cracker -> Halo shotgun


    I guess this should've gone under the suggestions tab but I figured it would've got more attention under discussions. Thanks for reading!

  4. Give VIP the option to votekick , as someone who often plays at off hours when no staff is on i often see people breaking many rules and angering the playerbase.


    They used to have the ability to do that, then it was abused by someone who tried to kick Erston.


    Easy fix, give moderators+ access to stop vote and kick/warn the votekicker if (s)he does it for a stupidreason.

  5. Well when I first joined the forums I bumped a post and got warned. I wasnt aware that, that wasnt allowed because there are no forum rules XD.(and don't tell me basic/default forum rules bs). Now I think some forums rules could help out a lot. Tanks ~Dian

  6. Your Steam Name: Dian Robingson

    Your ingame name: Sc0rpS

    Your Steam Profile:http://steamcommunity.com/id/DarkRpNerd/

    What segment would you like to be a part of?Gaming news.

    Why do you want to join the team?: I've always been part of a news team and I just think it was a great idea to start one on titsrp. I love news and doing infotainment. I'm also a fast typer and I try to use appropriate grammar. 

    Anything else you would like to add? (leave blank if you have nothing to add)

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