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Dian Robingson


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Dian Robingson

  1. Make guns legal again. Im tired of police harrasing me for pulling out a gun.


    Tell me something, is is legal in real life to just pull out a gun in the middle of the streets?




    No you can't...there's this little law called disturbing the peace...


    What does me having a gun do anything with disturbing the peace. Thats a loophole in the laws if you ask me.

  2. Make it for when you get handcuffed you lose all your weapons, kinda like when you get with the blufgeon, I am only suggesting this because any weapon with a right click function is still usable while handcuffed.


    Then you gain them back when unhandcuffed

    Also add a weapon checker.

  3. ^ agreed, imo I think albino abused. not sure what any one elses opinion is, but i see abuse.


    Piper (WhoDid9/11) was in the sit because Koben thought that he RDM'd his friends, and he asked if it was Zuthar to see if it was a troll or a youtuber.


    The "Mass RDM" was because these little fucking kids kept following him and got blown up by the C4.


    Koben literally thought it was RDM then he was told it was ok and that the victims didn't care and to let him go.


    I would refer to this as crossfire, not RDM.


    maybe we should re-add the rule that makes randomly using explosives not allowed, I don't see why it was removed anyways.


    It should be under common sense if that's still in the rules.

  4. No. This could be misconceived and abused.

    Ex: I have a surplus of money due to me not having to buy guns and farming alot. I usually give new users guns to get them started. If one of them ends up massing some stoic or mafia mofo could ban me and say I was supplying a rdmer. So maybe edit it?

  5. Now I've gotten 3 msgs asking if hitting through a wall with a lightsaber is exploiting. Why they are asking me this? Idk I'm not a mod but seeing as that kid got banned for thought I thought i'd bring it some attention. Now the question is...


    Is piercing through a wall with a lightsaber exploiting?


    MY thought processes would be... No.

    Why you ask? If you watched any of the starwars movies lightsabers go through things. Things like people and walls and I'm sure if someone was on the other side of that wall they would die. Here are some images to prove my point




    And the other being...



    Well there you have it. Rather or not this is going to even be taken into consideration is beon me and frantically nothing I can do about it but ye. 




    Now I'm going back to my grave. Bye.

  6. I suggest we remove the "50 warns is a permaban" thing. I feel as a warn should be just that, a warn. For people like me who play for long times could get warns over time. Granted I haven't had a warn in a while now (Scratch that thanks albino). But what I'm trying to say is that we all make mistakes and warns build up, good people could be permabanned for just, being human. This wasn't meant to be turned into a paragraph but it did, so read it XD. Its just my suggestion though.


    You shouldn't need to have 50 warns if you followed rules properly. Warnings also serve as a reminder that rules are still in play and you shouldn't be breaking every single rule over time nor repeating an offense. If you consistently have infractions you're not learning and you deserve the punishment. No way in heck have I ever seen a player get even two warning without either stopping their actions or they continue without regard. 50 is such a significant number that you almost have to TRY to get that far due to how many rules we don't have anymore.


    This this this this this this


    If you play for a long time warns cam accumulate from the dumbest shit.


    Meaning eventually it's inevitable.


    I suggest we remove the "50 warns is a permaban" thing. I feel as a warn should be just that, a warn. For people like me who play for long times could get warns over time. Granted I haven't had a warn in a while now (Scratch that thanks albino). But what I'm trying to say is that we all make mistakes and warns build up, good people could be permabanned for just, being human. This wasn't meant to be turned into a paragraph but it did, so read it XD. Its just my suggestion though.


    Okay so I had a reply typed out this morning but I thought it wasn't needed. I will type it again. If you're a legit player and you have common sense, you should not be breaking the rules. I don't care who you are and what you do because playing by the rules is as easy as making a PB&J. Unless this is your first DarkRP server, you should not be breaking the rules. It's so easy to play by the rules. I cannot stress how easy it is to read the 20ish rules that are all basically common sense and follow them.


    Now, I understand being called to a sit for some false reason because some other idiot thought you broke the rules or maybe you called an admin because this idiot broke the rules. I also understand that VERY rarely will you fuck up. Like you said, it's human nature. Now it's not human nature to fuck up 1 - 3 times a day / week or even month. I have seen users who have been playing for 5+ months without a SINGLE




    Rekt. But i understand where youre coming from, but falsewarns, actual warns, tired warns, accidental warns, and bullshit warns all add it and i and many others dont want to get fucked over.

  7. If you play for a long time warns cam accumulate from the dumbest shit.


    Meaning eventually it's inevitable.


    Yeah they build up overtime.


    I think warns eventually decay. I used to have 19 warns (yup) and then one day they were all gone.


    They got wiped recently.

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