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Dian Robingson


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Dian Robingson

  1. Bug



    Description: Some model's hand sticks out making the riot shield useless because you can shoot the hand still.


    How to reproduce: Hold a riot shield as a model that is glitched like scorpion or a skeleton.


    Priority: Medium

  2. Isn't your little group know for exploiting?


    Jordy has been caught but let off multiple.

    You abused the fence and spoon.

    Unn Nerd got banned for exploiting.

    Don't think envy has yet.

  3. Catagory... Pets and Animals? 


    Sick 3 Subs


    ScorpS is Autistic and Nathan needs to be put in a straight jacket.


    Middile finger emoji


    "Middile finger emoji" "Middile" I swear go back to second grade


    It was a typo fuk off.


    "It was a typo fuk off." "fuk" I swear go back to second grade



    brb grabbing the bleach

  4. Well, I have a few ideas.



    1) Make it so that you don't have to be a criminal to make a decent paycheck


    Add in something like a business NPC or stock market. It shouldn't make nearly as much cash, but make it so that there's actually some variety.


    2) Make Bank Heists more complicated


    If I remember correctly, we used to have a bank heist system that wasn't run into the bank, take money, run out again. It was a lot more like GTA V or Payday 2


    You'd need to


    a) Get a team together

    b) Complete 3 objectives (these could range from obtaining an item from a building to assassinating a designated player)

    c) Break open the vault door

    d) Rob the Bank


    You'd also need to do this all without dying, or you'd be out of the operation.


    3) Make capture points operate like King of the Hill


    This would make it so for every capture point you had, you'd get x amount of gang exp every y minutes.


    They should also have different exp yield, depending on the type of gang you were in.


    For a Criminal Gang:


    Point Omega - The easiest one to capture and defend, low exp yield.


    Point Alpha - Easy to capture, harder to defend, as it's in an open space. Average exp yield.


    Point Charlie - Hard to capture, even harder to defend, large exp yield.


    For a Police Gang:


    Point Omega - The hardest one to defend and capture, depending on if the base its inside is owned, large exp yield.


    Point Alpha - Easy to capture and defend, as its close to the PD, low/average exp yield.


    Point Charle - Probably the easiest point to defend and capture for the police, minimal/no exp yield.



    4) Add in gang missions


    This would give gangs a bigger purpose. Up to 4 people should be able to be on a single mission.


    Missions could range from:


    - Assassinating a Target

    - Raiding a random base

    - Killing a high value target (such as the Mayor or SWAT chief)

    - Picking up an item of interest


    Taking any of these missions should have a chance to alert the cops about the type of mission and where the objective is. This chance could be decreased via a gang upgrade.



    That's all I have for now, feedback would be appreciated.

    This is a fucking good ass idea...

  5. Define abusing PTRS?


    [Advert]Evny KennyS: PD RAID

    Envy kenny (PTRS icon) Officer jimmy

    Envy kenny (PTRS icon) Officer jerimy

    Envy kenny (PTRS icon) Officer billybob

    Envy kenny (PTRS icon) Officer dank memes

    Envy kenny (PTRS icon) Officer savage

    Envy kenny (PTRS icon) some random mofo

    Envy kenny (PTRS icon) Hitmam hill

    Envy kenny (PTRS icon) Kill me.

    [Advert]Envy KennyS: OVER

  6. Hmm I've never once said anything negative about you.  Yes,  I may have warned and banned you a few weeks but I never once treated you different than how I treated others and I don't get a goodbye(joking).  Take it easy scorps if you come back read the motherfucking motd

    I forgot about you, edited.

  7. Well as the title says i'm taking off my power armor. What i mean by that is im gonna be going for a while. I may occasionally visit but im not going to be on as much as a usually am. While im gone whodid9/11// Piper Perri is incharge of my class, if you want anything from it, come to him not me. I also wanna say bye and sorry to some good friends ive seen come and go.


    Hops: At first i didnt like you. You left me out, you talked shit about me, kinda harrased me and were a general asshole. To this day you still are but youve gotten better. I gained more respect for you when you were to only one out of our group of friends who would stand up for me even when you didnt want something from me (and frantically you still are) but its whatever. Ill miss you bud. #RipHops.


    Draygon: I dont know what i did to piss you off but what ever it is im sorry and honestly hope we can still be cool. You were like a little brother to me, but its cool. Ill see ya later


    TexasHockey: I wont miss you at all. You bully me you harass me you always treat me differently then everyone else. You're a complete asshole and I generally don't like you.



    Jesusfaceretard: You were always the one in our little group who didnt talk about my voice or harass me generally about anything, you were kinda relaxed and layed back. Youre cool i guess, peace out.


    Iassassin: MA MAN! Youre a legend, stay that way. Dude you dont know how much im gonna miss you, stay in touch.


    Kaboing: I fucking hate you, lol I'm kidding. I actually thought you were cool but annoying in a sense. You'd always arrest me and I hate you for that. But I still will miss you, goodbye.


    Ghostly: Mother fucker. Dude you were there through everything. If i didnt know a rule, if i got into a bad situation, what ever it was you were there. You stuck next to me and i appreciate that. Its been a fun ride. I also took your power armor pic cause it looked cool and i wanted to be like you and draygon.


    Shadoe: You son of a gun. Dude ill miss you alot. You were the first person in out little group of friends that trusted me and actually enjoyed my company. Dude ill miss you alot.


    TK Tyrant: This ones a shocker isnt it? I dont know what i did to piss you off and to be honest i dont really care. Its in the pass whatever, i thought you were a good mod but didnt like me for some reason. It hurts to say but i may actually miss you.


    Envy KennyS: To be honest i didnt think you knew what you were doing as a mod. But as a player youre pretty cool. And i like that about you.


    Communist Lizard: I honestly dont know what the fuck i did to you but Im sorry and i hope we can move past this, bye dude.


    Unbound/Pickle: I fucking hate you, jk lol. We had some troubling times and some moving waters but overall i liked you as a player. Youre funny af in the ts and i like hanging around you.


    ZeshTheMeme: You didnt think i'd forget about you did you? You sir are a great friend. One of the other people i can actually call a friend because you stuck up for me when everone else didnt, thanks.


    Gazooks&Taj: You kinda made fun of me in the ts and i didnt appreciate that. You seemed cool ingame though so youre alright. (I said taj and gazooks cause i had equal ideas about them)


    Britanny: You were the only one that would stay up and talk to me when no one else was on. Thanks for that :).


    And last but def not least, Sugar tits: Mother fucker, You are one heck of a server owner. I'm sorry for always spamming you with messages and being a general nussence to you. You just seem like a cool person to talk to but i never really had a chance to talk to you because youre always either doing server shit or dealing with dumb custom classes. Im so sorry for the things i put you through and hope we can all move past this.


    I almost forgot

    #ScorpsTo50: I fucking hate you. And no, youre not happening.



    Lol its been fun guys, dian out!

  8. This has exists since the beginning of time lmao, there have been multiple bug reports about this and if there was a fix, it would be fixed.


    I'm almost positive Sugar is unable to do anything...


    He fixed the nessbat...

  9. People RDM easily on our server because guns are easy to obtain. Guns are easy to obtain because custom classes exists. If guns were hard to obtain it would be insanely unfair to anyone else. The only thing I can think of is to make it so custom classes spawn with 0 ammo and they spawn with 1 health or something. That way, you need to either buy health or heal yourself + buy ammo for your gun. Maybe I can strip ammo from everyone and have a few dedicated places to buy ammo like a gun dealer, black market dealer or vending machine.


    I think I can do something about giving each job it's own defined purpose rather than just saying "Go for it and do your own thing". Maybe that will bring back some of the desired RP that you want. I could tie in some kind of progression but I don't know how I would do it to make it non intrusive like the EvoCity leveling system which was one of the most hated things known to man kind. Maybe I can make gangs have a level and you can gain XP for your gang by doing various tasks and levels will give you some kind of perks or something.


    How are guns easy to obtain because of custom classes when we cant drop guns? And a ammo vender would be nice without the intention of stripping our ammo -_-. I kinda like the job idea but make it so it has a dedicated use and can do their own thing.

  10. I laugh when I hear titsrp and serious in the same sentence.  Well welcome enjoy your stay and watch out for the spoons.


    Damn son.

    My only starting advice to you is, start early by not getting warned. They stack like crazy m&.

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