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Dan Hunter


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  1. is this a troll post? this is a gmod server
  2. this is going as well as i thought it would
  3. +101 Makes people actually pay attention to laws would be hilarious INCREASE BOUNTY LIMIT BEYOND 20k!!! 100k FINE WHEN????????
  4. everyone micspams as CCs anyway so who cares
  5. You could always just turn your radio off it you dont like the podcaster.
  6. Podcaster / Radio Talk Show Host Player Model: Joe Rogan, Howard Stern, Alex Jones Description: Interview interesting players and spread their story across the city Items : Microphone, Talk-Radio This class would have to include a radio that could be purchased by players to where they could hear voice chat between players over a distance. The radio we could have an option to "tune-in" and listen to the podcast/show. I'm thinking the microphone could be a static object that "relays" a proximity voice chat to whoever is in vicinity of a radio. Could be cool to select players that have their voice relayed as well. (stops trolls running up and spamming) I think this job could be really interesting, it would give people all around the server with entertainment. From the 24/7 basing goblins, to the mayor camped in his office, to having one at fountain you hear as you walk by.
  7. While I love having classes interact with each other. I don't see a RP scenario where a cook would cook food for a bird. I can only see cooks self supplying with food, job change to bird, then the shitstorm begins. I think practically it would just be better to unlock a level up ability where every so often you just shit more. Say a level 45 perk for the bird. Bird is a fun job, and can do some cool (albeit almost dead content) things like fishing. The shitstorm perk would be interesting, but for it to realistically be used it has to be easier for the average player to do this. Even a talisman would be a better alternative and more RP friendly than the cook. However that's not to say that the laxative idea is bad. Maybe it could be used for ANYONE who eats the food, making anyone poop a lot regardless of job.
  8. its against the rules to do what you are suggesting. But in game-mechanic that doesn't let you do it too would be a nice QOL update for mods and players.
  9. ONE NEGATIVE THING TO WHAT YOU SAY MAKES IT A shallow mindset and you say shit like if you lack the brain capacity to debate.. don't bother replying at all
  10. I have the gang talent that lets you track down players on the bounty board. I can see for new players it is difficult to get into a gang that is level 70, let alone has that perk. I think the perk should be added to cops to level up. I think it would be cool to have mayor be able to purchase upgrades for his police force. 25k - Cops spawn with full armor 50k - Cops spawn with Mist nade and Health packs, 50% chance of being downed instead of dying 75k - #1 bounty on the board is now highlighted if in a cops POV. 100k - Players are highlighted when committing crimes in the cop's POV. 250k - There can now be 2 juggarnaughts, props are reinforced to tank two c4s/bunker busters take slightly longer. 500k - Crimes now pay 2x to police department, bounties can be increased to 40k. 1M - When being revolted against, able to bribe 1 random member of the revolters to betray the leader. (Maybe like a popup.) At the same time, we could have the mafia boss have perks that aren't direct counters (like a uno reverse card) but similar powers to keep up with a powerful mayor. I think the mafia boss currently only being in charge of 5 gangsters is a little lacking, I think either buff the amount of mafia players or maybe the ability to recruit bloods/crips. There are like 12 cops jobs with multiple slots, so there would need to be a balance between these organizations. Gang members should also have a rule explicitly stating that they may kill a cops arresting/attacking another gang member. Currently you must also be in a party or a !gang. I would personally prefer it to not warrant the whole "/yell STOP ATTACKING MY GANG FOO!!" message in chat, but I would understand it would be easier for admins incase some idiots just starts rdming cops. 25k - All gang members spawn with 50% armor, knives. 50k - All gang members spawn with a Pistol and lockpick/keypad cracker. 75k - Gang members are warned if a cop sees them commit a crime, gives them a small speed buff for a few seconds. 100k - Gang members spawn with a nerfed blowtorch that works .5 as fast on players, but normal speed on cop props. 250k - Gang members spawn with AR/AK/SMG, can mug players 2-5x faster, drops more money on successful mug. 500k - Gang members no longer pay taxes, gain ability to 50/50 instantly escape jail, harder to stun with stun gun, have chance to escape from cuffs. 1M - When revolting, able to bribe 1 random members of the police force to betray the leader. I think it would add an uniqueness to the cop/robber roleplay scenario. This could also be a fun money sink, as well as providing engaging gameplay that would entertain new players and convince veterans to run criminal enterprises or a strong ruthless mayor.
  11. Thats dumb because I have gotten negative rep for all kinds of BS. Although, I think there should be an unlock for low rep. Maybe a cool title, welcome message, or something.
  12. we should make all players spawn with the dildo drill but make it pride colors. All player models should be black. We should also disable voice chat.
  13. Good ideas all around. I really like the idea of removing someone's 1 way walls. I still love the freedom to use them, Maybe a C4 type item that you have to plant, Is a bit faster than normal C4, but doesn't destroy props instead removes materials would be fun.
  14. Idiot here: How can other servers run smoother with the same or more players if they are still limited to the one CPU? (I also have crazy ping on TitsRP. People teleport, disappear etc.)
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