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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Quas

  1. 1# no, the reason it's so rare and difficult to make is because it's so good, go gather  a party and raid it, there's at least 50mil rn in the bank.


    2# good suggestion! maybe make it so it guarantees a legendary? cause dragon eggs are SO SO Rare


    3# no, spirit caller is there for a reason, I might see a nerf coming to the dark spirit jars but no, spirit caller is enough to make talisman


    4# that's why there's raiding, the system is built so you raid to STEAL the base owner's money making entities so you'd more money by using them yourself.

    you used to be able to spawn 2 printers, but with half the income it got upgraded to 1 printer per player and the income was doubled, I don't see why you would revert back to the old system, cause it was changed to 1 printer per player to save more space on the base, bases used to be filled with printers and not make that much money.

    bitminers are fine I believe, I might see why its income would get buffed but everything else about it is fine, you make a good 90k off of a maxed bit miner, and 30k price for purchasing one is fair, the mini game is there so you'd have to actually do something in order to get those bitminers, removing it would defeat the purpose of making money making entities balanced


    Overall I see that all 3 money making entities are balanced. (Processors, Printers, Bitminers)

    but getting a buff on the bit miners would be a nice thing to have


    1. I understand you get a good chunk of dough from bank raids but usually you only get about 3-5 mil which isn’t too much when you have to split it between people. Maybe instead of making it easier to craft maybe we could just up the amount a little bit?


    2. Thanks for the feedback on that. A guaranteed legendary would be kind of cool but I also like the idea of changing the special, because there is no current way of changing it atm.


    3. Yea I knew this one was a stretch. But all I get from spirit caller is fall damage and no hack talismans. I hope the chances of getting better talismans would be possible though.


    4. I love raiding on this server. The point of changing the bitminer and adding more entities is to add incentive for people to base so there are more bases to raid. I never see bases anymore and it really sucks.

  2. Suggestion #1: Bank raiding C4 is extremely hard to make. The 5 months I have been on the server, i have seen approximately 15 bank raids excluding bank heisters. The items needed are hard to get and when every CP and 10 people with 20 slot CCs counter your bank raid, it becomes impossible to stop. I understand that its a high risk high reward kind of thing but when I spend weeks to farm materials to do a bank raid then I get countered and lose everything its frustrating. If the materials required were easier to get (dragon eggs, rare oak, and strange gems) then I can just try again. A couple ways that could help is spawning more dragon eggs daily, and make gems and oak more common, change the amount of materials needed, or make bank raiding C4 acquirable through crates.


    Suggestion #2: Make dragon eggs have more uses. The only thing dragon eggs are good for are bank raiding C4s. The only use i can think of off the top of my head is to use dragon eggs to change the special on an epic/legendary weapon.


    Suggestion #3: Add a tailsman creator. Im aware there is already the spirit caller but you cant even pick the effect. A way this could happen is to add empty tailsmans that can be enchanted with an effect of your choosing. It could somewhat work like the chemical engineer except a little different. An empty tailsman can be put in a slot then you can buy materials in the table. Valuable tailsmans will need more materials and will cost more and less valuable materials will need less materials and cost less. I think this would be an awesome addition to the server.


    Suggestion #4: Add more printers, Reduce the cost of the bitminer, and get rid of the bitminer game. This will add incentive for more people to base including me. I dont base nearly as much because I dont make enough money with 2 printers and a couple of processors. I cant get anymore because of the lack of bases. Nobody ever bases anymore and it is a major problem. Its really obnoxious searching for a base to raid and when I finally find one its a newbies base with 1 printer. If we add more printers, more people will base, which means there will be more bases to raid. Secondly, the bitminers. The cost is too high for them, and the game is repetitive. They need a fix because there is no use for them at all.


    Thats all my suggestions for now

  3. Corp was the first person to point this out to me. The hit box is broken. He can shoot at players when they can’t shoot back because of the head hit box. We should definitely think about banning it from raids or lowering the health.

  4. Not gonna lie, equinox did noclip in the real world a little bit, and teleported to players for efficiency. But, he was a good mod. He handled sits properly, listened to both sides of the story, wasn’t biased, and punished people accordingly. Equinox has a lot of friends on the server and was never biased with them. Maybe he can have a fresh start. A retraining session and promotion to tmod I think would be fair.

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