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Salted Seabass


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Salted Seabass

  1. I've seen blcknoba triggered many times, tbh it's one of the things I enjoyed most on the server
  2. 2 outta 17 people don't want a map change, I wonder if Sugar will listen to the players or just keep the map
  3. I'm not saying the player base will come back automatically when we change the map, I think it'll bring some more people who are active on the forums and the community instead of the current random 12 year olds playing for a day then attempting to mass rdm
  4. Evo or evilmelon will be better then the current one
  5. Tbh when I joined the server at first all I wanted was a light saber because I love Star Wars so I stayed and saved money for them. I then got to know the community because of that and stayed. Without the lightsaber I might of left before I fully realized what the server was like I agree, there really isn't a purpose to stack up money, what's the point of getting 1 mill if the guns you can buy aren't really unique. I say bring back an rpg which will be expensive as fuck
  6. They got big for a reason, I don't know if they had advertisements or just got big by ransoms becoming actives but if you know what got them that big why not do what they did. I'm trying to think about what makes them popular and in the past I did join them because they had like 100 people on the server. They obviously did something that we didn't, maybe we should hire a detective
  7. Sugar you say that map changes kill the server. Do you know how many other darkrp servers have maps other then downtown and thrive. I don't think different maps kill servers because if they did then superior should be dead because they've switched multiple times.
  8. Lmao 8% wants to keep the current map
  9. I'm going to delete my post I like yours more
  10. Bzerk is a smart man, most people who would complain are just 11 year olds who love deathmatches, if they don't like anything but deathmatches they shouldn't be apart of the community. At first a map change will be weird but when you get used to it you'll love it
  11. I'm not trying to bash on the server Sugar, first tho let me start off with the 3 major reasons for people not liking Evo. 1. Finding npcs for job changing. 2. The leveling system. 3. Crafting almost everything. One of my favorite things to do as for other people(like blanoga) was being a cop chasing criminals and being a criminal running from cops. It gave a thrill that is awesome. The current cops aren't that fun they are similar but still different. Another thing was building new bases in new houses without having people raid you every 5 minutes. Not once on Evo did I build a base for printers, I did it to RP. One more thing that was fun was starting a heists where all the pd tried stopping you, it's different then the current pd because there was a huge tower and you had to get to the top and not die, and if you did you'd drop the money if you didn't deposit it. It gave a thrill and rush that the current bank doesn't. So these are just some of the reasons why Evo had more RP, also one more thing is cops would be cops and if you drove in the wrong lane they'd pull you over. So these are just a few reasons
  12. Sugar didn't realize his mistake at first and still doesn't. He thinks the map killed the pop but like I said when he reverted the server the it's current state(kinda shitty no offense) I asked multiple people who stopped playing why they stopped. I can't recall anyone saying the map was bad, only that they disliked the leveling, having to build everything, ect. How many staff and used to be occasional people stopped playing? A shit ton because they disliked what the server became, aka it's current state
  13. To what bzerk said Evo city itself didn't kill the player base, everyone liked the map change. No one liked the other changed. It would take like 20 hours of being on the game to be a crip or blood. the leveling system was really shit and no one liked it. People disliked so many other things to. For example you had to almost build everything. No one liked building shit like guns. Maps don't kill unless it's a really shit map. The map wasn't shit, almost everyone liked it(besides the 10 year olds)
  14. On evocity I never did the same thing every day, I had many different options. On the servers current state there isn't a lot that can entertain for a long time period. Why do you never play on the server Sugar? Oh I remember you saying you didn't like it. If I recall tho I remember you basically playing everyday day because it was fun. Tbh I'd play more on tits if it wasn't so bland and boring. So many people play and take long as breaks because tits gets boring. I'm not bashing on tits but in my opinion Evo had many more appealing and fun things. If you listened to people at the time, they didn't like the leveling or crafting but instead of getting rid of those you got rid of everything. So like I said, Evo was awesome. Being a cop was fun, making the dank mush, fishing to I guess lmao, raiding a cool bank, just cruising around. So sugar what did you like more, Evo or the server now?
  15. I would like it if your reverted every bring to EvoCity without the crafting and leveling. Tbh everyone says new maps kill the server but when it came out everyone said they left because of how retarded it was to level up and how you had to build shit, like weapons, and guns. The reason why people just walk around like bzerk said is because there is nothing appealing to do anymore in my opinion and a lot of other people's opinion. EvoCity was a huge map and people liked exploring it and stuff, but the only thing people can say about the current map is, "This map is ugly and kinda small". So I don't get why we have to have the most over used Garry's mod map. There isn't a point in rping when you can rp on the other hundreds of servers with the same map. So if anyone on the server wants to rp, rip that idea. If you like having death matches this is the perfect server for you. P.S. If anyone doesn't agree with me it's as Sugar says, "w/e".
  16. I remember when it took forever to become a moderator now, meanwhile now any can get mod in like 3 days. Half the players who play every day are basically mods
  17. Did you ban him because he said he drilldoed people?
  18. Didn't I kill you a few times? P.S I'm Ida Hoe
  19. This problem appears to be on the dark side. :P
  20. Why didn't you add a pole Cullen? But i like the weapon tbh, plus Gandalf will probs be removed without it
  21. That video that Neko was in was when the server was at a really low point as is, people would mass rdm after another and so many rules were broken, plus Neko was probs being a fan boy, maybe he even thought the attention to the server would help it.
  22. Can the player model for that class be shrek?
  23. You can always change it to the death note swep.
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