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Snooper Doodles


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Snooper Doodles

  1. Ingame name: Snooper Doodles. Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084864964/home/ Previous gangs: ZarneyArmy Only gang iv been in but its dying Hours played: 150 Hours played past week: Like 30-Due to being away for christmas vacation Gametracker score: 73. Age: 19 What can you provide regarding raids: Healing, Armor, I can shoot straight, and im good with like any gun What can you provide regarding basing: Im ok with grandmother the base/Protecting while other go raid I can also build decently well Do you use a mic: All the heckin time What is your favorite food: Pizza and vape Note- I know my stats are crap but im a loyal player who spends pretty much all my time on the server when im not working. Also iv raided and based with a few people from rare and they all seem really chill and like they know what they are doing ps- you let me boy keith in let me in to <3
  2. Smok procolor 225w Big baby beast with a smok .20ohm rated for 40-130 wats realize that says .20 Meant 0.2ohm lol
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