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CoolAIDS last won the day on March 22 2018

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  1. Those are makeshift time bombs and they can be shot out of your base if you shoot them. Albeit it is hard to counter them I honestly feel as if it is ok for this to be a thing because it adds a state of progression within the server. After a bit of being bullied by the big boys you can then become the bully or even raid the big boys. Most of the people raiding with makeshift time bombs though have been on the server for a long time and also are pretty good at raiding. I would also suggest finding better places to base or even basing with other people and looking at other peoples bases that seem good. All in all though I feel as if the current state that raiding and basing is in is a very fair system.
  2. Do you understand that abusing and not helping with admin sits will get you demoted? That is straight from the staff application Guide and so any type of abuse will get you demoted. Im sorry but equinox did not follow staff guidelines and so he was punished accordingly.
  3. I feel like this bug was brought up to Sugar before and im not sure what he said but I know its a thing and can be an issue for some
  4. cya dude, happy to have you with us anytime again
  5. It is not an exploit, Sugar said it was fine and here is some proof from about 1 year ago (kdawg is Sugar if you didn't know). https://imgur.com/a/hCdp25U
  6. that has nothing to do with whats in question here, its PVP with guns between players in a base raid. It should be complete level playing field. The reason the server has all of the items listed is because of the reason bases can have the small slits. It is what makes the server unique. Nerf bases and you also need to nerf raiding to some capacity.
  7. I dont think it is unfair at all because raiders can have material bombs, C4, material grenades, blowtorches, timebombs, etc. I think basing is fine as it is right now.
  8. its never been an issue to you becuase you have no way of knowing when it occurs. At all, if i wasnt recording my encounter with this a sit would have gone completely different.. Well yes I have seen it occur within my sits, I just have never had an issue determining whats going on. I have seen damage be done with keys before and I know its not true. Now don't get me wrong, I see how it could be an issue but this is the first time I have seen it being an issue and no one can really fix this except Sugar but in the meantime just keep on recording.
  9. Shit I need to make laws as creative as these. Thanks for the inspiration.
  10. You can't put sledgehammers in your CC, and you can't buy breaching charges outside of the CC NPC. I have breaching charges in my inventory so you can get them and sledgehammers are cheap.
  11. This has been known about for a while and I am sure Sugar is aware of it and either can't fix it or won't fix it as of now because he is losing interest with the server. It has never been an issue for me when taking sits and I haven't heard any other staff complain too much so its not too big of an issue as of now but having it fixed would be nice.
  12. Breaching Charges on CC's should not be a thing. They have lockpicks and sledgehammers and can buy breaching charges with their mass amounts of money.
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