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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Akumi

  1. this is the most retarded post ive ever seen next to the vore swep suggestion
  2. In game Name: akumi SteamID: STEAM_0:0:193632548 Plans: chilling at home probably giving out candy
  3. Not entirely sure if you can, I'd try getting in contact with @Rubik
  4. akumi STEAM_0:0:193632548 getting a summer job
  5. Akumi


    skill issue
  6. Only if you give me 10 mil in darkrp cash, this will get you 1 hour of moaning in vc, and a coupon for 1 free picture of my feet (socks or no socks, only get to pick one)
  7. i am a female who plays on titsrp every day
  9. as someone whos collected hundreds of spirit jars and needs to use them +1
  10. Honestly if you ask me, unless someone does some deplorable shit like groom a minor or dox someone then thats when action should be taken. Not shit like saying racial slurs in a private discord, is it a reflection of character? Absolutely. Is it really worth banning them, even though it was in a different discord? Personally no.
  11. Remember kids! Dont click on every file you download from the internet! It may have spooky shit in it. Instead, let me teach you how to do it yourself! Step 1: Go to the front page of the forums and right click on any of the 3 servers you want to have a button for, and click copy url address Step 2: Go to your desktop and right click, then hover over new, then click on shortcut. Step 3: Copy that address for the server you want to join, and paste it in the text box that appears. Then give it a name, then hit create! Boom! Easy as that, and you dont have to download some file from the internet to do what I just told you.
  12. bro there are a few ppl commenting at once and whenever i refresh it brings be to the bottom, chill out man
  13. While this is technically true, it takes like an insignificant amount of time to let go of shift, right click then press it again if you're good. Also what does the scout have to do with any of this?
  14. Then wouldnt that be an issue with gmod itself?
  15. This is also wrong, SL8 was able to sprint, so the base sniper rifles
  16. Nope, tested this in game.
  17. Aint you the one who started the thread? You know about the mp5 being broken and abused? What kind of logic are u fucking putting into play right now. Its like saying we cant talk about the government because its broken and abusive lmao
  18. a very, very minor one imo. Most guns are pretty accurate at hip fire already. The only real use I see for having to aim down sights is if they're at a long distance edit: i didnt say that in this thread lmao
  19. Heres an easy fix to that. Crouch as soon as you pull the gun out man, its not like it takes any more time to do that, and you can do it while pulling the gun out.
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