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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cob

  1. Cob

    (Help) Old CC Issues

    I have not played in probably over a year, but I got on today and found my CC is all messed up. The main issue I'm having is the weapons I own on that CC are not able to be equipped. Two out of the 9 weapons I do own are working fine and those are the Master Sword and the Stealth Camo. Furthermore, I was prompted to refund one weapon that being weapon_tr, which I have no memory of what that was. Lastly, I don't know how this happened maybe someone I had friended on the CC change it but my original skin was the Rick model from rick and Morty, although this doesn't really matter as it's just a skin. Thanks, Cob Discord: Cob #4764
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